Tuesday, September 30, 2008


One important point I forgot to make in my post about the financial crisis is the role of the working class in the defeat of the $700 bn bail out. The mood against this bail out amongst the working class was very powerful. What about "my" bail out was the most widely heard cry. Members of Congress heard this and it frightened a majority of them away from voting for the Bush and Paulson, that is the Wall Street, plan.

We need to absorb the importance of this. There was a powerful mood amongst the working class against bailing out the rich. It was so strong it defeated the bail out. The problem was there was no vehicle such as a mass workers' party through which this mood could channel itself and produce a more lasting and obvious alternative. However this should not blind us to the importance of what took place and the mood that developed. This mood will most likely dissipate as the mass bourgeois media and political machine threaten that unless the deal is passed a collapse will result. And as the leaders of the unions refuse to use their resources to build an alternative. However it shows what Facts For Working people argue. There is a base for a mass workers' party in this country if the union leaders would act, or if we on the left could defeat left sectarianism and bring together the resources necessary to build a foundation and if this foundation intervened with mass direct action to help working class people against the corporations and the rich.

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