Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Another $9 billion Disappears in Iraq

So it seems that out of just over $9 billion, money that was earmarked for the reconstruction efforts in Iraq,  $8.7bn or so is unaccounted for according to a report issued by the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, a US federal position.  The US Department of Defense can't seem to account for the missing $8.7 billion. But the agency says that this doesn't mean the money is missing, the spending records may have been "archived".  Responding to the report, the Defense Dept. claims that finding the money or the records of where it went, might take  "significant archival retrieval efforts".

Wow! "Significant archival retrieval efforts", that's quite a mouthful.

According to the BBC, the problem is, the report points out, is that  "A lack of proper accounting and poor oversight makes it impossible to say exactly what happened to most of it." Well, isn't that fortunate. And this is not the first time money disappeared. Another fund of $8 billion went missing 5 years ago that led to bribery and corruption charges

Have you noticed the different terms the bosses use when they are forced to address publicly the pilfering and plunder of the people's wealth that goes on day in day out?  "Poor accounting practices" was the term used to describe the activities of the thieving lying thugs at Enron who stole billions from the people of California and elsewhere. Another favorite term of theirs was, "Accounting errors" led to the pilfering of billions in public funds.

The report on CEO compensation that was released recently found that the obscene, or what we would call obscene, payments made to CEO's, even those that didn't produce results and were responsible for the present economic crisis were, "Ill advised".  What terms they use: "Ill advised", "lack of proper accounting", "accounting errors" "archived". We never hear the words "theft" or "stealing".  These people never "steal", they just commit "accounting errors". They are forced to report such blatant thefts.  But imagine the vast sums of money, our money, that they waste on their wars and direct plunder.

What could we do with $9 billion?

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