Wednesday, November 11, 2009

how they work.

The struggle over the so called health bill helps show how power works in this country. The massive privately owned profit addicted sickness industrial complex are putting all their resources to work to get their way. They are using their presence in the media, their bribed politicians in both parties, their allies in the fifty million strong Catholic church and anything else they have. They are determined to protect their profits at all costs. In particular they are using the issue of abortion, that is women's rights to get their way. The section of the capitalist class which own the sickness industry are very clear in what they want and what they do not want. They want their profits protected. This is their bottom line.

The wider section of the capitalist class are backing the sickness industrial complex all the way. They have a number of reasons. They also have investment and make profits from the shares they hold in the sickness industrial complex. They do not want these touched. But more generally they see that just as more regulation of the economy in general would reduce their power over the economy they see that any kind of a decent health care bill which moved to taking the profit out of health care would have the affect of reducing private capitalism's control over the economy as a whole. They oppose any increase in the role of the state into the profit addicted privately owned sector.

It has now been disclosed that when Obama was recently in Boston on a visit he met with the Cardinal of the Catholic Church and this unelected unmarried male gave Obama his views on women's rights. Think about this. Would Obama meet with the head of the Boston Trades Council. There would be no chance. Or with the heads of any of the many women's groups who fight for women's rights. I think not. But he does meet, head suitably bowed as the photo shows, with one of the top leaders of this undemocratic all male dominated organization which has been involved in an epidemic of child abuse for centuries. But then with fifty million members whom it continues to indoctrinate with pro-capitalist propaganda the Catholic Church is very important to Obama and his capitalist system.

The Catholic Church is a dictatorship run by an all male unmarried bureaucracy. I am reminded of what Joyce said. A man without a woman is an incomplete man. The Catholic Church is a pro-capitalist organization run by an all male unmarried dictatorship, run by a dictatorship of "incomplete men." It is doing its duty at present defending capitalism and its own narrow anti women views. These "incomplete men" want to keep control over women. Obama, US capitalism, both US capitalist parties will work with anybody to achieve their ends. They worked with the Taliban to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. They work with the Catholic Church to fight off any encroachment on their control and profits here in the US.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What I always wonder about is how can the Catholic church, or all of them for that matter, get tax exempt status?

The US Catholic Conference of Bishops had at least four representatives of the group lobbying in Washington, "meeting with lawmakers and Speaker Nancy Pelosi" according to reports in the press.

The Catholic church distributed fliers with the headline, "Health Care Reform is About Saving Lives, Not Destroying Them."

What gets me is that they also claim to be protecting the unborn yet they support the US's aggressive wars that murder millions of people. As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, you deserve protection if you are a one inch fetus but not if you're a three month old Iraqi child.

The Catholic church is one of the most rotten institutions in history and you are right to call for people to leave it

They should not get tax exempt status for sure.