
Friday, December 11, 2009

Nobel Prize: Slick politicians, slick words and imperialist slaughter.

You do not have to go any further than Obama's nobel prize speech to see how Obama is the representative of the US corporations, of US Imperialism. He stated in his Oslo acceptance speech. "The United States of America has helped underwrite global security for more than six decades with the blood of our citizens and the strength of our arms." This is the diplomatically delivered yet arrogant taunt and unapologetic claim of a warmonger. Obama tries to sound intellectual and confuse his listeners with what he claims to be history. Look at the real history, not that which Obama tries to palm off on his listeners.

The slaughter in South East Asia in the 1960's and 1970's was carried out to defend the wealth and power of the US corporations, that is US Imperialism, and to stand against the power of China and the Soviet Union. The slaughter of hundreds of thousands of left people in the 1960's in Indonesia was for the same reason, the overthrow of the democratically elected government in Iran, the overthrow of many many other governments in the former colonial world, the slaughter of the left in Latin America by US backed dictatorships, the more recent slaughter in Iraq and Afghanistan, the manipulation and bribing and threatening and assassinations of other organizations and forces in the advanced capitalist world to make these countries toe the line of the US, these were all done to serve the interests of US imperialism. This is what Obama means by "global security." He means the interests of US capitalism.

And no amount of blood is too much to be spilled in US Imperialism's interests. Tens of millions of the poor of the former colonial world have been slaughtered or are starving in Imperialism's cause, hundreds of thousands of US working class youth were and are being slaughtered and maimed in fighting for US Imperialism's cause. But according to Obama it was all for a nobel objective for which the US must be praised, that is the US was bring us all "Global security."

In his speech, and without knowing it, Obama confirmed a central tenent of Marxism. He said that wars and conflicts will always be with us. This is exactly what Marxism explains. That you cannot have capitalism without war.

This speech showed there is no fundamental difference between Obama and Bush. Bush strode out onto the world scene and waged war and told his allies if they did not join him or they would be against him, basically they could go f... themselves." Obama walks softly softly smiling out onto the world stage and wages war and soft soaps his allies into joining him, but behind that lies the same threats and pressure that Bush wielded. It is still they are either with US Imperialism or against it.

As we have argued on this blog, the bosses have two parties, the Republicans and the Democrats. there is no fundamental difference between them, like there is no fundamental difference between Bosh and Obama. Whether it is bailing out Wall Street or waging war in Afghanistan there is no fundamental difference. The working class needs its own party to stand up for our interests and the interests of our working class brothers and sisters around the world. And capitalism can never bring us security, either security against war and slaughter or against poverty, insecurity and starvation.

While Obama was preparing to go to Europe a jobs report for the US economy came out. It was hailed by just about all the capitalist commentators as very good news. Things were turning around and so on. This report showed that "only" 11,000 jobs were lost in November. But as Paul Krugman in the New York Times December 11th, said put in perspective it was "basically a terrible report." Krugman explains that eight million jobs have been lost since this recession began. He explains it is not just a question of replacing these jobs but that to keep up with a growing population the economy needs to add 100,000 jobs every month. He estimates this as the economy needing to add eighteen million jobs over the next five years, or 300,000 jobs every month. He adds that this "puts the jobs losses of 'only' 11,000 in November, in perspective."

Krugman speaks of this unemployment crisis and the complacency of the Obama regime and also the Federal reserve. He writes:"The fed sprang into action when faced with the prospect of wrecked banks: it doesn't seem equally concerned with the prospect of wrecked lives. And that is what we are talking about here. The kind of sustained unemployment envisaged in the Fed's own forecasts is a recipe for immense human suffering - millions of families losing their savings and their homes, millions of young Americans never getting their working lives properly started because there are no jobs available when they graduate. If we don't get unemployment down soon, we'll be paying the price for a generation."

We argue in this column that US capitalism is in an economic, military and political crisis. Krugman explains this here in his views on unemployment. Obama in his speech and in setting the deadline for beginning withdrawal from Afghanistan for eighteen months ahead has thrown his NATO allies into a crisis as they see there is no chance of this happening. This has increased the military crisis. And politically it remains and goes deeper into political crisis as its two parties are incapable of facing up to the crisis of their system and in fact go deeper into conflict and crisis themselves.

We need a Working People Party to represent our interests. We need a democratic Socialist America. We need a Democratic Socialist World.


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