
Friday, December 11, 2009

Police arrest 75 students inside Wheeler Hall at UC Berkeley

Students up at UC Berkeley have been inside Wheeler all week and have held various teach ins, discussions and events.  But the police movedmin on them this mornign early.  Here is a message, an update from one of the students up there:


Here is important information about the unconscionable Wheeler Hall raid this morning. I imagine more information will emerge shortly.
After giving permission for the experiment all week, the police raided the Wheeler Hall open university this morning without warning. On the weekend before finals, 66 people were arrested, 42 of whom were students. The police chained the doors shut and dragged people out. No order to disperse was given. They are currently being put on buses and the police say they will be taken to Santa Rita for the weekend. They are apparently being charged with trespassing, but this seems unlikely to be strong enough to keep them there for such a long period.

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