
Thursday, December 10, 2009

MLK/Malcolm X and Peace. Obama and peace.

Martin Luther King came out against the war in Vietnam. At the same time he began to question capitalism, organize poor people regardless of race and openly spoke of the need for democratic socialism in the US. That is when the US state, acting in the interests of the US profit addicted corporations, murdered him. Malcolm X broke from his segregationist views, began to advocate the unity of the oppressed, talk of socialism and oppose Imperialism's plundering around the world. He toured Africa to make links with the struggles against Imperialism there. This is when the US state, acting in the interests of the profit addicted US corporations, murdered him. These were giants of the black revolt. The US regime murdered them because it saw it could not buy them. It murdered many of the Panther leaders also. Those it could buy, it bought.

As we deal with a black President in the White House today's activists should go back to the writings and conclusions of these leaders in their final years. No leader is right on everything or knows everything. But these leaders and the other leaders of the black revolt such as The Black Panthers, George Jackson and others provide guidance and food for thought for activists at the present time. And we particularly need this now. While accepting the "peace" prize we have Obama sending 30,000 more troops to kill or be killed in Afghanistan. These 30,000 will be overwhelmingly working class youth and a great proportion black working class youth. We must build the anti war movement against this and we must link this movement, as MLK and Malcolm X their anti war struggles to the struggle against capitalism and imperialism. .

End all wars and occupations, close all military bases abroad and bring all troops home.
Set about dismantling the military industrial complex and working with other forces internationally to dismantle the world's war machinery.
Turn the vast wasted resources of the military industrial complex over to providing for the needs of the people nationally and internationally.


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