
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Oppose Biden and the Fascists in Israel. Israeli Journalist Speaks Out.

Richard Mellor

The tide is turning against the Zionist regime in Israel. Jews have lived in Palestine for a millennia and have every right to. The 300,000 settlers are a different matter. They do not belong there, they are there as a front line against the indigenous population whose land and homes the Zionists steal and overwhelmingly they are right wing fascists, religious fanatics from many different countries; many Zionists are Christians .

The US rogue regime is no friend of Jews, they are anti-Semites all of them, the British ruling class too. Their support for the Zionists is about politics, wealth and control of the region';s resources. The Israeli prime minister said there are no civilians in Gaza. That means he is quite intent on murdering two million people. They've already murdered 1000 children

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