
Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Biden In Israel Supporting Mass Murder. Does He Speak For You?

Richard Mellor

I just watched for a couple of minutes Joe Biden speaking in Israel, praising Netanyahu and pledging support for this murderous regime.  A short distance from where he is speaking there is mass murder taking place. It is the US, the UK and other European powers that are behind this European colonial settler state. It is not for the love of Jews that they support it as the US, British and European ruling class are and always have been raving anti-Semites.

It is imperative that the the working class in these countries confront their own governments. The powerful trade unions in Europe should intervene. Where are they? There should be no handling of any Israeli goods. Dock workers throughout the world should refuse ot unload them. Truckers should refuse to move them and so on. The silence is deafening.

In the US, the mass media is very powerful and very controlled. Any concession for the Zionists, never mind a defeat is a threat to US hegemony in particular. There been an extended period of dumbing down of the US working class that normally discovers the geographical location of a nation  after the US bombs it and we see little maps on CNN and all the other news outlets. 

I just couldn't watch the decrepit Biden speaking it angered me so. I would have more respect if he were more honest about what he is supporting, murder, genocide, ethnic cleansing and a neo fascist state that is bent on exterminating the people and culture whose land and homes they have stolen. 

I remember many Irish Americans making the argument that the British government's role in Northern Ireland was the actions of a terrorist state and they were right. many Irish Americans supported with money and aid, the IRA, an organization committed to terrorism as a means of driving out the occupiers, something that never works and it won't work for Hamas either but while many Irish people opposed Britain's role in Northern Ireland, many more opposed the IRA's tactics and claim as the vanguard of Irish freedom from British rule.

As white workers must separate themselves from white supremacy, Christians from Christian nationalists, Jews must free themselves from Zionism. Zionism is not Judaism.

The world is heading toward catastrophe on many fronts, not least climate change. Only the working class can change this disastrous course and the working class in the the US is key as the US rogue regime and its two political parties are the most violent terrorists on earth. 

If you are reading this, if you watch this very good video, you cannot simply go on in the same old way. You cannot let the baseball World Series and other distractions keep you from the truth: If the working class, and particularly us in the US, does not enter the global stage with a vengeance our grandchildren will not see the 22nd century.

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