
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cops use sound cannon, heavy force and rubber bullets at Occupy Oakland

I just had a very short conversation with John Reimann, who spent the night at the Occupy Oakland camp last night and he said that he hadn't seen such a use of force by the police since the riots against the Vietnam war in Berkeley years ago.  The cops used rubber bullets and another source says that they used their sound cannons which can cause temporary or permanent deafness.

There is no doubt in my mind that the state and its agents are using the Occupy Movement as a testing ground in preparation for riots, protests and social unrest that is ahead as US capitalism puts its working class on rations and introduces further austerity measures to force the crisis of capitalism on to the backs of workers and youth.  The events we are seeing in Greece and that occurred throughout the Middle East will occur here in the US. The strategists of capital are very aware of the militant and rich history of the US working class and the widespread anger that exists in US society.  They are preparing for resistance on a larger scale.  Check  Occupy Oakland for updates.

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