
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Capitalism in US. Extreme right wing rules.

There are different factions in the capitalist class in the US as everywhere. Here in the US the extreme right wing rules at present. Elizabeth Warren is a committed capitalist supporter. She is running for the Senate as a Democrat in Massachusetts. She spent some years setting up the consumer protection agency agency in the Obama White House. She spent the last ten months hiring its 500 people and putting together its structure.

She is a liberal capitalist politician. She has millions of supporters and hundreds of thousands of people signed petitions urging her appointment to head the consumer protection agency which she formed. The AFL-CIO amongst others called on Obama to nominate Warren to head the agency. On July 18th of this year Obama announced he was passing Warren over, he gave her a kiss on the cheek when he announced this. She was passed over because she was openly critical of the most insane and criminal practices of Wall Street and the financial elite and wanted some regulation restored. These criminals then went to town to defend themselves.

According to the Center for Public Integrity the Chambers of Commerce and more than 850 trade groups and businesses paid $1.3 billion to bribe the politicians in the Republican and Democratic Parties to stop Warren. Yes, that is right, $1.3 billion. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2010 the financial industry flooded Congress with 2,565 lobbyists, that is bribers, with bags full of money. One of these outfits was JP Morgan Chase, which received $25 billion in taxpayers money to bail them out when they were crashing in 2008, they spent nearly $14 million in bribing the politicians in the 2009-2010 election cycle. Sachs which received more than $10 billion of tax payers money spent $7.4 million in bribes and Citigroup which received $45 billion in taxpayers money bribed the politicians to the tune of more than $14 million since 2009. And these bribes exclude the direct campaign donations make to members of Congress.

The bankers and Wall Street criminals who were bailed out were spoken of by the former Treasury's inspector general who over saw the bail out. He said he heard no remorse from any of these criminals, their attitude was: "Shit happens." This is their attitude to the people who have lost their jobs and homes.

Obama's largest contributors in 2008 were the money criminals, to the tune of $43 million. They got what they paid for. But now the Occupy Wall Street movement is showing that people have noticed and they remember what happened. Warren was savaged and dumped by Obama under pressure of the extreme right politicians who are bribed by the extreme right dominant wing of US capitalism. Even the liberal capitalist Democrat Warren was totally unacceptable to them. The OWS movement must see the vicious nature of the enemy we are up against. US capitalism will use all the resources at its disposal to hold on to its criminal gains. We have to organize the 99% into a cohesive force which has the clear objective of taking the wealth and power away from the criminal capitalist elite.

And in relation to the political system. We have to fight to take money out of politics. That no more than $10.00 per person per candidate or per cause can be donated in any one year. then we will see who will vote for the Wall Street criminals.


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