
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

UC Irvine sit-in turns into Occupation!

Irvine, CA – Beginning at 9:30am Feb. 24, around 20 students at UC
Irvine are holding a sit-in at the UCI administration building,
Aldrich Hall, regarding budget cuts.


9:45am: Rally outside, 50 students and workers. ”Si se puede!” “They
say cutback, we say fight back!”

About 8-10 cops inside, some plainclothes. Cops apparently had floor
of Chancellor’s office locked down before students entered the

10:30am: Nothing new on the ground to report. List of demands
available here: ...

11:00am: Sources from on the ground report that the police are
preparing to arrest the students.

11:25am: Sources say that people outside the building are barricading
the doors to Aldrich Hall in an attempt to circumvent the police from
arresting and moving the students sitting-in the building!

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