
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Gas station clerk robbed, then fired. Isn't freedom swell.

From a UAW member in Detroit.

Gas station clerk robbed, then fired
Saturday, February 20, 2010
TAGS:Michigan, Robbery, local
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The clerk's boss said she had too much money in her drawer at the time of the robbery.
It's been a tough couple of days for a suburban Detroit gas station clerk. A man came into a Speedway in Clinton Township and pointed a gun at the clerk's face.
Jamie Schram did what she was supposed to. She handed over the $300 that was in the drawer. The next day, she went out of her way to make sure the robber was caught by going down to the police station. Police thanked her, but her boss fired her.
Schram's boss said she had too much money in her drawer at the time of the robbery. "They didn't even talk to me. I think they should have at least let me come in and explain what happened instead of assuming I was just being negligent," says Schram. "They didn't even give me a chance to fight for my job."
Schram says she looked for more than a year to land the job at the gas station. Now she's looking for work again.

The  enclosed link is about a Woman that got robbed and then fired for having too much money in the till ($300.00).

I called the Speedway in Clinton twsp. to get more details but the clerk gave me a no comment.

If you feel the need to help a fellow worker you can boycott Speedways or call them until she is re-hired with back pay. SOS Marty

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