
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tea Parties. Organized by the right.

The Wall Street Journal (Feb, 17th,) had an article on the Tea Party movement, if we can call it a movement. Taking up the so called popular nature of this outfit it stated;"How strange, that this flowering of populist integrity should have been tended and pruned and succored by a group of Beltway operators known primarily for their venality and insider power."

The leadership of the movement is grouped around a group which calls itself the "Conservative Action Project." This crowd has one full time organizer. He is Patrick Pizzella. This swindler used to work for the Washington lobbyist and criminal Jack Abramoff who is now in prison. Pizzella in particular worked to get clothing from sweat shops outside the US into the US market claiming that it was a question of "liberty" versus "big government." Sounds like the propaganda of the tea party crowd. Liberty versus big government.

Another right wing swine who has helped the tea party outfit is Grover Norquist of the so called "Americans For Tax Reform." As you can imagine this is not a crowd that wants to make the rich pay their share of taxes. Then there is Dick Armey, former Republican House majority leader. He is chairman of another organization which calls itself "Freedom Works." He has written about sweatshop locations abroad in which he praises the dedication of these to "the principles of free markets, enterprise, education choice, tax reform and other innovative approaches to governance." What a hypocrite.

The article in the Journal states:" Behold your great awakening (in reference to the tea party movement) lobbyists, sweatshops,and the junkets to make sweatshops seem like liberty..." It goes on to refer to the tea party movement as "freedom flimflamming." It also asks why the fraudulent nature of this so called tea party movement has not been more exposed. It answers its own question thus: "The reason we have not heard more in this respect, I suspect, is because deep down (the lobbying in Washington and insider status) does not offend. The history of conservative idealism is, in some ways, a history of lobbying, of ever more inventive schemes, to make politics answer to money. Each of the movement's succeeding outbursts of idealism have led ineluctably to the doors of K street." (K Street is the center of the lobbyists, that is the outfits who bribe the politicians in Washington.) "This one, I suspect will be no different."

The right are very conscious about their language. While they pursue their dirty work they claim that they stand for freedom. Free speech, Free enterprise, Free trade, Freedom Works, Liberty. In the meantime behind these false phrases they deprive us of our rights and go abroad and invade countries, the absolute opposite of freedom. I talked to a friend last night, She has a home. To keep it from being foreclosed on and losing all she has put into it she has to work four, yes four, jobs. The tea party movement and Palin has nothing to say about this freedom, the freedom to work four jobs or lose your home.

Then I am reading the Wall Street Journal this morning. On its front page it has a photo of a US marine kicking in the door of a families home in Afghanistan. To read the press you have to use your imagination. The door to this house was closed. The marine did not know who was inside. The family inside would have been terrified. This man from a foreign land who looked different, who was dressed in strange clothes and with all kinds of weaponry hanging off him and a huge rifle in his hands kicks in their door. This is freedom for this family. Freedom Works okay.

Use your imagination. You live in Kansas. You hear a bang at your door. You go to look. It is a man who looks different in foreign dress kicking in your door. He is armed to the teeth. But you do not have to be worried. He is bringing 'Freedom." If this was happening in this country, foreign armies invading here, there would be all out war. But US capitalism in the name of "Freedom" claims it has the right to do this wherever it wants to and wherever it can get away with it.


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