
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Irish Catholic abusers. Malaysian Muslim abusers.

The unelected leader of the Catholic Church, otherwise known as the pope, he with the nazi background, called the Bishops of his Irish organization to Rome to discuss what he called the "heinous crime" of child abuse carried out there by his organization's full time organizers, the cardinals, bishops, priests and nuns. Not only did they carry out this abuse, but they covered up these crimes and even moved abusers around to where they could abuse more. They kept these crimes from the state so they would not be prosecuted. This makes the pope, the cardinals the church a criminal enterprise. If there was any justice they would be locked up.

It was because he saw that this "heinous crime" could no longer be hidden that this pope called the Irish bishops to Rome. This was just to pretend to do something. It was a farce. At their meeting he called on the Bishops to be "courageous". What did this mean. To be courageous in facing down the victims call for justice? Was that it? Because this is what the pope did. He rejected the victims demands that the Vatican take some responsibility. He insisted that the Vatican's handswere clean. What a dirty lying hypocrite. He even went so far as to reject the resignation of four of the Irish Bishops who had offered their resignation, these people who helped cover up these crimes he is insisted they stay in their place. Presumably so they could do some covering up.

The Catholic Church is an enormously wealthy institution which is completely committed to supporting the capitalist system. It is important for this system. It exploits the feelings and fears of ordinary people to keep its apparatus and the system going. People should not be fooled by the big buildings, the stolen accumulated art treasurers, the fancy vestments and music, this is an organization of authoritarianism, male domination and capitalism.

None of its leaders are elected. None of its leaders are women. Women are inferior according to its teachings. They cannot be priests, bishops or popes. This organization has to be condemned.

Of course it shares with just about all the powerful religions its support for capitalism and its repression of women. Women in Malaysia have just been caned for having sex when they were not married. Another has been sentenced to caning for drinking beer. In many of the Muslim countries women are not allowed to drive cars or be along with a man who is not their husband. Religion is a terrible thing. It keeps the powerful in power, it keeps the most oppressed in oppression. It is a force against change for the better in the world.


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