
Thursday, January 28, 2010

UAW Local 2244 meeting erupts as anger at job losses and the Union leadership's failure to combat them breaks in to the open

This is a clip from UAW Local 2244's January membership meeting where the issue of layoffs was discussed. General Motors pulled out of the partnership with Toyota at the onset of the financial crisis and Toyota has since stopped production. Some 4700 people will be out of work come April 1st. This is a glimpse of what is to come in the trade Union movement as years of anger at the failure of the trade Union leadership to defend worker's rights and their outright collaboration with the employers rises to the surface.


  1. Important to keep in mind when the bosses and union heads try to hide the anger of workers.

  2. Thats union leadership at its best. I`ve learned a long time ago to rely on my own skills instead of relying on the government or the union I once belonged to for job security. These fat cat union bosses can stick it up their asses. Look at any industry ran by the government or having union representation and I`ll show you an industry struggling to survive. At one time unions had their place but that time has gone.Remember, the only person who will look out for you is you.

  3. Unfortunately anonymous, your argument holds no water. Capitalism has just been dragged from the edge of the abyss by taxpayer money and handouts from the state.

    The private sector is bankrupt, and lest not forget, the railroad and steel magnates all got rich with government subsidies just like defense contractors. As individuals our power is minimal.
