
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Solidarity at a non-union job

Swines at my non-union job back off from the flu vaccine

A few month ago when the capitalist media fell in love with the Swine Flu my job tried to mandate testing to all its employees. They said, because we have some clients with people who have compromised immune systems that they are just concerned about “our clients safety”. I wonder then why they didn’t mandate the clients to get a swine flu vaccine- just the workers. Hmph!

They said we had to get the shot or else we would face "consequences". They said we had to go to our doctor and get them to write a note. Seeing the doctor costs a $20 co-pay. So we had to essentially pay $20 to get out of getting a shot that we object to for moral reasons? Since when did doctors become religious authorities?!

My co-workers and I did some research about the Swine Flu. We found that the last time there was a vaccine of the swine flu in the 1970’s thousands of people died from the vaccine alone! We also found that this vaccine was rushed through by the FDA and did not go through the same screening process as other vaccines because it was a “pandemic”. Just a short note on pandemics. Why isn’t diarrhea a killer of 1 in 5 children world wide ( one and one half million a year) considered a pandemic- to be erradicated like the "swine flu"! Why is that normal? Well it is normal under capitalism. And those kids don't have any money anyway- so they let them die.

A few of my co-workers and I banded together and would not sign any papers or get a doctors note. We were prepared with statistics and information but really the main objection was to stop any precident when the boss can tell you whenever they please that they want to inject you with drugs and your job is on the line if you do not comply. That is enough to make me refuse I don't care if its a shot of tequlia. In a work site of about 70 people 20 I know of refused. An entire department refused to get the shot or the doctor's note. This does not include people who silently rebelled and "lost the form". A co-worker said to me, “this is my body and I would like to see in writing that I will get fired for refusing to get the vaccine. I will take it to the ACLU and never work again!”

The second-in-command boss ( always in her sweetest voice) ask me if I wanted to get the swine flu vaccine. She even tried to sweeten the deal by saying a nice nurse I am friends with is administering it I said , “Nope won’t happen” then another co-worker said, “ isn’t it mandatory?” She said, yes. I said, “No thanks”( in the sweetest voice I could muster). She left the room and hasn’t said anything since.

There is an article about how the World Health Organization may have been bought off by drug companies to hype up the swine flu problem so the companies could sell more vaccines. The company has been silent on the “mandatory” swine flu vaccine and those us who refused are smirking to ourselves. BBC

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