
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Health care bill, result of US capitalism's corruption and bribery.

We have argued on this blog that US politics and the US capitalist system is utterly corrupt. We have explained that one aspect of this is the so-called lobbying system. This is where the privately owned profit addicted corporations bribe and corrupt the politicians. Look at the so called the health bill. As soon as Obama said he was going to take up the issue if elected the profit addicted sickness industry got their lobbying machine started up and landed on it like a swarm of bees.

Their pockets stuffed with money from the sickness industry, their computers and iphones full of contacts in the Congress and White House, and with their personal contacts from their previous jobs, the corrupt bribers went to work. Look at the extent of this corruption. Northwestern University's Medvill News Service in Partnership with the Chicago Tribune Newspapers Washington Bureau and the Center for Responsive Politics found a "revolving door" between Capitol Hill staffers and lobbying jobs for companies with a stake in the so called health care legislation. Put more bluntly, many many of the people who work or have worked for the capitalist politicians in the Democratic and Republican parties make contacts with these politicians, see how the system works and then go on to work for the sickness corporations. There they do their dirty work, they sell their knowledge and contacts to the corporations.

Look at the figures. At least 166 former aides from the 9 congressional leadership offices and 5 committees involved in shaping health legislation - along with at least 13 former law makers - registered to represent at least 338 health care clients since the beginning of last year, according to the analysis. Their health care clients put up $635 million to bribe the politicians over the last two years. When the number of lobbyists who lobbied on health care issues for non health care firms is counted in the total number of bribers swarming around the health bill to make it acceptable to the profit addicted privately owned sickness corporations and the corporations and capitalism as a whole, the number comes to 278. Look at Harry Reid alone, the Democratic leader of the Senate. 13 people who formerly worked for him are now lobbyists for the sickness industry. These people have access and influence with him. It is inevitable.

We argue that all lobbying should be illegal, that all donations from corporations to political parties and politicians should be illegal. As we campaign for this we argue for a law that bans anybody who worked for a politician from going on to work as a lobbyist for a corporation. We understand that capitalism by its very nature is corrupt. But we propose these steps as a way to begin to build a movement against the corporations who run the country. We are against their control and ownership of the political parties, we are against their control and ownership of the corporations, we are for building a mass Working Peoples Party. We are for a Democratic Socialist America and World.

We will not be able to oppose capitalism with the Obama regime. Some people had illusions in this when he was running for election. Look at the pathetic so called health bill where he refused to take on the profit addicted sickness industrial complex, look at his bail out of Wall Street where he licked the boots of the banks and finance houses, look at his sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan where he did the bidding of the oil and gas industry and US imperialism as a whole. No this is a thoroughly capitalist regime.

And it has not only been these issues which have shown the nature of the Obama regime. The attempt to get agreement on climate change in Copenhagen, in spite of what they try to say has been a failure. But what did they do? Rather than openly admit they failed they made a non binding agreement, that is everybody can say what they want and do what they want, that is no real agreement, and then to make sure that there would definitely be no chance of this non agreement having any teeth they agreed to only "take note" of it. So what is being declared as a victory is a "non binding agreement" which they will only "take note off." It's a good one. Coming up with this takes some neck. Unbelievable. Well not really. As we have argued capitalism cannot solve the rapidly developing catastrophe of global warming. This is just their way of trying to hide this reality from us.


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