
Monday, December 21, 2009

The gang in Congress continues to bleed the US taxpayer dry.

So  last Wednesday the millionaires in the House of Representatives  approved a $636 billion dollar bill funding the Pentagon through 2010.  The millionaires (and a few billionaires) in the Senate passed the same bill Saturday ($626 billion according to the Wall Street Journal.) The house passed another bill, "separately" says the WSJ although it's hard to see them as separate.  The second bill was a $290 billion extension to the nation's debt ceiling. 

The Senate is expected to vote on and pass the increase in the Debt ceiling later this week.  It appears the present $12.1 trillion limit is  "expected to be breached" write the Journal.

The Pentagon gets its funding which includes more than $100 billion for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; they borrow more money from their billionaire colleagues on our behalf, meaning we have to pay it back with interest; the debt ceiling is raised----I think all these things are very much connected. 

In order to pay for this, social services are savaged and education, transportation, jobs, all fall under the ax in the interest of fiscal responsibility. And the Journal reports today on the $7 billion profit some speculator made thanks to the crash and his cut so far is is $2.5 billion.  He bet on the banks, the folks that walked away with our homes and handouts.

Oh, I forgot, the $30 billion ($1,000,000 per person that we are paying to send 30,000 young people to kill and be killed in Afghanistan is not included in the bill) Unemployment is a good thing for the economic draft I would say; the military become the only game in town.

And Obama, the warmonger receives the Nobel Peace Prize.

So this is what he meant by bi-partisanship and "reaching across the aisle".

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