
Friday, February 6, 2009

No Change Here

Obama has been lambasting Republicans for offering the same old policies and is calling for change. "We can't embrace the losing formula that says only tax cuts will work for every problem we face," AP reports. He has formed a panel of advisors to steer us in to the new era. AP again:

"Obama friend and campaign finance chairwoman Penny Pritzker also is on the board, as is Caterpillar Inc. Chairman-CEO Jim Owens and General Electric Co. CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt. Two labor officials - Anna Burger of Service Employees International Union and Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO - also were named to the 15-member board designed to offer Obama advice as he seeks a way to weather the crisis and rebuild the economy."

This is more of the same for workers. Clinton had a "competitive council" that had a Labor leader or two on it as well; it's role was to make us more competitive, a completely anti Union philosophy; google it and see what scum Labor representatives were spending their days with. And we never heard a peep from them down in the pits. These top Union officials enjoy these apontments as it is quite prestigious to be on panels with heads of corporations and top economists---and friends of the President of the United States no less. Hey, its better than hanging around with those folks that pay the dues.

The Team Concept, one of the most damaging strategies adopted by the heads of organized Labor is still going strong. Look who their partners are on this panel. The CEO of Caterpillar. Caterpillar crushed its employees with the help of the UAW leadership after a 7 month long strike back in the nineties. And Jeffrey Immelt head of GE? He's a friend of Jack Welch; they used to call him the hatchet man or something like that for his uncanny ability to deprive workers of their jobs and income. He felt bad about it though.

We're in for a rough ride.

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