
Monday, February 9, 2009


Trotsky said there were two kinds of bourgeois media. There was the gutter press and media. It told lies ninety percent of the time. This is what is presented to us all most of the time. Its aim is to make sure that we do not see that we live under capitalism and how that system does not work.  

He also said there was a second kind of bourgeois press and media. That was the so called quality press which was aimed mainly at the bourgeois themselves. This he said told the truth ninety percent of the time in order to be able to lie effectively the other ten percent when it was most important. 

Sometimes these roles get mixed up. At times of crises like the present the so called quality press has to take more of a role in outright lying so that it can keep its own class in line and keep up its moral. Something like this happened in the last few days. 

The Wall Street Journal the main paper of US capitalism got worried that its own class would get worried and anxious when President Obama criticized the obscene bonuses of the Wall Street Criminal capitalist class. So to stiffen up their back bone and to strengthen their own class it ran its Febuary 7/8 issue with the main heading: "Greed is Good." 

You do not see this approach to working class people. "Greedy" workers are condemned by all the media.  But Greedy capitalists are praised. As if there were any comparison. The greedy capitalist criminal class rip the system off for billions which they collect in their Lear jets and when they run the system into the ground they come bleating to the state for a handout. 

Capitalism is run on greed. It is run by a greedy criminal capitalist class. It keeps the majority of the world in starvation and it is destroying the planet. There is nothing good about it. 


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