
Thursday, September 19, 2024

The US/NATO War in Europe Explained by German Professor.

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

Disbanding NATO is a key to ending conflict in Europe.

This is an excellent account of the present situation with regard to the Russia/Ukraine war in particular. It's crucial for all to listen to but especially working class people that have reached a point that the mass media and public discourse is confusing at best or is fake news or lies at worst.

This German professor covers not only the history of the Ukraine/Russia conflict since the collapse (she refers to it as dissolution) of the Soviet Union but also the role of language that is used to prevent ordinary people from drawing conclusions about foreign policy and international relations that can lead to a safer and genuinely cooperative world. The goal of the capitalist media or course is to solidify the ideas of the ruling class in the minds of the masses. This serves more to confusion and despair than convince, as even the most skillful propaganda cannot alter the fact that in the final analysis that consciousness has a material base. 

Take the time to watch it. The situation in Ukraine is dire and she points out that many Ukrainians are beginning to draw the conclusion that they are being used. And it's important for those of us in the US not to forget that Antony Blinken and Lloyd Austin, a right pair of warmongers, made it very clear that the  US goal in spending billions supporting the war is weakening Russia and at some point it's breakup.
In that sense it is a proxy NATO war led and instigated by the US and armed only to the extent that it could prolong it rather then win it. And from our point of view as  US workers, it is an extremely expensive failure.

I see in a recent report that among peer nations the US has the worst health care system of all of them. Like the British before them the US cannot maintain a global war machine and 800 bases around the world and provide it's citizens with basic social services like health care, public transportation, housing and the like.

A final note. The speaker is correct in my view that nuclear war is as important as climate change when it comes to the continued existence of human civilization on this planet. They are not mutually exclusive.

I also think democracy is the best system of governance, but not bourgeois democracy, or capitalist democracy which is what we have. Athenian democracy is treasured by western historians but Greece was a slaveowners democracy, slaves had no right to vote. Workers' democracy, the ownership and control of the means of production, what we produce,  how we produce it and how it is distributed is the only way out of the dangers that nuclear conflict and climate change, both products of the so-called free market, offer for the future.

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