
Sunday, May 12, 2024

Blinken on TV Supporting Genocide and Mass Murder

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

I am sick to death of the US mass media, all of them, including the BBC, announcing that the US has halted weapons sales to the Zionist regime. In another one this morning the Zionist, Us Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, says that the US won’t back the Zionists’ genocidal assault on Rafah unless they see a “credible plan” to protect civilians.  But anyone that can breathe is aware that the Zionists have no intention of protecting civilians, there are no civilians there, Israeli government officials have said. As the statement from Princeton Alumnni for Palestine published in Mondoweiss on May 12th reads:

“The human toll of the genocide perpetrated against Palestinians is appalling, but it is not the only facet of Israel’s systematic brutalization of the Gaza Strip. Israel’s methodical destruction of approximately 40% of Gaza’s agricultural land and infrastructure, including its olive groves, has been recognized as ecocide. There are no universities left in Gaza because Israel has bombed them all; this systematic destruction of educational infrastructure has been recognized as scholasticide. As the bombs fall, the U.S. government is preparing to send a $22.4 billion military aid package to Israel. We are actively funding the genocide, ecocide, and scholasticide of Palestinians and Palestine, while watching on our phone screens.”

It is nauseating to watch the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken on Face the Nation, the CBS current affairs fiasco, basically regurgitate the Zionist narrative. As a Zionist himself of course, I can’t expect much else. Blinken and the gang that occupies the US body politic has backed this genocide from the start, and I don’t mean October 7th 2023, but for 72 years. Do readers recall the Israeli snipers shooting, generally in the legs, protesters in Gaza who were protesting on their own side of the security fence? And there have been numerous massive assaults on Gaza since 2000 alone. Then there’s the occupation of the West Bank.

Here’s some of Blinken’s comments from the transcript in the video above.

Margaret Brennan the interviewer:

“so you have been able then to conclude that Israel has violated us laws and weapon

sharing agreements…?”

“No, we've concluded is in the case of uh the use of weapons as you said, this,is an extraordinarily complex uh military environment in which you have an enemy Hamas that committed the most atrocious terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7th and then retreats to Gaza hides behind and underneath civilians in hospitals schools mosques apartment buildings (he’s defending the bombing of these institutions RM) uh and that makes it very difficult to determine particularly in the in the midst of War uh exactly what happened and to draw any final conclusions from any one incident.

So we have a number of incidents that we continue to look at to try to get the best possible assessment, the Israelis themselves are doing the same thing, our assessments will be ongoing, uh but as I said, given the totality of uh what we've seen in terms of Civilian suffering in terms of children women uh men caught in this Crossfire of Hamas’s making uh who've been killed or been injured, it's reasonable to assess that in a number of instances Israel has not acted in a manner that's consistent with International humanitarian law.

End clip from transcript.

I cannot watch much more of it. Palestinians are imprisoned in Gaza, under siege to the point that no one can enter or leave without the Zionist regime’s permission. Only foods and commodities including health needs approved by the Zionists are permitted. Both electricity and water are controlled and rationed by Israel.

The issue is not complex at all. No event investigated by the Israeli’s or their US handlers can be relied upon, in fact we now know, it’s all lies. Why are no foreign journalist barred from Gaza by Israel? The only ones there are those from Al Jazeera and the Zionists assassinate them and has barred the news agency from Israel. Where’s the outcry from the major western media? The same ones that say nothing about Julian Assange. 

The thousands of Palestinians murdered were not caught in any crossfire, they were rained upon with 2000 pound bombs provided by the US, missiles provided by the US, dropped or fired from planes or drones provided by the US .

Blinken says that the US has not slowed weapons transfers beyond these “high payload” 2000 pound bombs. But, “what we've uh been clear about is that if Israel launches this major military operation into Rafah uh then uh there are certain systems that we're not going to be supporting and supplying uh for that operation but at present…”

Look at Blinken in the video. He has been trained like all of them, those in power, to look us straight in the eye, keep a straight face, “look at me, I’m honest, I go to church.” In Blinken’s case it would be the Synagogue, but most Zionist’s, except the Christian one’s are atheists.

There is no such thing as a “free” press. The person questioning Blinken would find herself out of a job if she actually asked questions that would benefit the nation at large. The US media is among the least free of all the industrial democracies. Only a few companies own the media. Tik Tok is under assault because it offers an alternative view of the world to millions Americans, some 170 million. I shared a piece by Arnaud Bertrand this morning who called the US population, “the world's most propagandized population...” in relation to the lies that are believed about China and its trade policies. (Read that here)  I have stated many times that the US working class is the first victim of US imperialism.

But if the US working class, of which I am proudly a part,  was as backward and right wing as the mass media, supported by the liberals portrays us, neither Blinken, Biden, or the US Congress, would have to lie like this. They could say that the deaths are justified because US capital is heavily involved in the energy and oil business and the Zionist regime, a settler colonial project, is our only really stable ally that can protect the interests of US capitalism and Wall Street in the region. The best they can do is push the Hamas narrative and that and the anti-Semitism lie doesn’t work anymore.

The violence that Blinken is defending in this case, is simply a greater example of the violent nature of the US state and its representatives, than that which has been doled out to US students opposing this mass slaughter and genocide.

And we can be absolutely certain, had the rail workers and their unions------- that were about to strike against the horrible working conditions the ruthless rail bosses force on them----rejected Joe Biden’s overnight legislation that barred them from doing so gone ahead anyway, we’d have seen what the US state apparatus does when the profits of the class it represents are threatened. There is a reason working class history, and the history of the struggle to build trade unions is unknown not just to the population as a whole, but to most trade unionists.

It looks like the Netanyahu and his crazed Zionist bloc are going ahead with the invasion of Rafah. Each day, the US through its support of the regime is in a bind. A defeat for the Zionist regime is a defeat for US imperialism in the region. This at a time when its dominant position on the world stage is under threat from all sides, economically so Russia, China in particular. And increasingly, former colonies of western powers are shifting allegiance. The US has backed the wrong horse here and is paying the price at home. The two parties of capital that have dominated US political life for over 100 years are more and more becoming irrelevant for the US voter. The period of this domination is coming to an ignominious end.

Breaking out of the Gaza concentration camp on October the 7th 2023 brought the wrath of the terrorist state of Israel down on the two million people living there in captivity, it has been a nightmare for the Gazan people. The Zionists have used it to finalize their goal of ethnically cleansing the Palestinian people from the region. But their sacrifice will go down in history as one of the great moments where humanity prevails.  The world has changed beyond recognition over the past 7 months and we should thank them for it.

The only force that can bring an end to the violence throughout the world is the working class internationally.  And not just in Israel/Palestine but in Sudan, Kashmir, and here on our own soil as millions of Americans struggle though life just for the basic necessities. Hollywood is not America my friends and comrade outside our borders. It is workers that die. It is workers that suffer the poverty, hunger and violence of the global capitalist system. It is workers that are receiving the brunt of the climate catastrophe that threatens life on earth as we know it.

There are no guarantees, but working people will eventually be forced to collectively enter the world stage in a major way take up the task that history has set for us.

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