
Monday, February 5, 2024

Great London Rally For Palestine. Worth Watching.


Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

This is a good video.  Looks like it was a great rally in London and  I hope folks listen to the speakers, they were very good.

I have mentioned in some of my posts on social media the absence of the trade unions (not union members). Not just the absence of them but no mention by other speakers of the need for the trade unions to be there but also the need for them to organize their members to refuse to handle any goods going from the UK to Israel or from Israel to the UK. Britain, the US's junior partner, is selling weapons that are murdering children and destroying an entire culture. This is the goal of the crazed Zionist regime.

I don't know who else spoke, But in this clip, Sinn Fein raised this issue calling for a non handling of goods and Corbyn thanked the trade union branches that were there. In fact the first person in the crowd that was interviewed who was from Lincolnshire, said her and others go down to London every rally and the trade unions have paid for the coaches.

The Wall Street Journal and other racist anti-worker Murdoch outfits have referred to the attendees at this rally and others as Hamas supporters, Anti-Semites, and terrorists, and for Jewish participants, and Jews from so many countries have been in the forefront of this movement, "self hating Jews".

I should add that I saw Mike Lynch, from the RMT, one of the leaders of the strikes that have been ongoing. I don't know if he spoke or not. There is much anger at Keir Starmer, the labor party leader who is also a human rights lawyer. 

I think it's important to grasp why the intransigence on the part of the US in particular. The UK and the EU would not be in a good position if the US stopped the mass murder but the Biden Administration wants to send some $15 billion more. Why is Washington supporting Fascism in Israel. Biden loves the leading fascist there Benjamin Netanyahu.  He hugs him, shakes his hand. 

The way I see it is that there's is no way that the US and its western partners can allow the Palestinians to inflict a defeat on the Zionist regime. The Zionists are the only reliable ally US imperialism has in the Middle East as the Arab regimes are unstable and the Arab Spring showed how quickly they can fall. The revolutionary potential of the Arab working class form Syria to Morocco is too great.  The Zionist regime, as one British official once remarked, can be "our loyal little Ulster in the Middle East" with reference to the British occupation of Ireland six northern counties.

This ally is important for one major reason, the  Middle East has a commodity that is crucial for the nations of the world to function. One of the largest consumers of this commodity is the US and its military, both being the world's largest polluters. Neither the US nor Europe care about the fate of the Jews. It is oil that drives the support for Israel.

The US is demanding talks without Hamas. Hamas is saying that Isrel will not determine who speaks for Palestinians. There is no demand for Likud to go, or the Knesset members that are behind this to go. The Palestinians will decide. The US has supported every ruthless individual regime on the planet. The Saudi regime can murder and dismember a US citizen and the US still sends weapons and makes no such demands on them.

I praise the dedication and the protests but there were 40 million protesting the US war on Iraq. It didn't stop them destroying that country and killing a million or more people. Workers have to take independent action and have a solution of our own to these global crises. There is no solution to this problem, like many others that are a product of colonialism and imperial meddling. It is the working class of the region that has the power and the interests to change things. It's hard to believe, but as bad as the Israeli population is as the propaganda and indoctrination has been fed to them since childhood, the Israeli workers should be appealed to on this basis as well whether they listen or not. Capitalism cannot solve a solution of its own making. A  federation of  democratic socialist states in the Middle East and throughout the world is the only way we can begin to end the madness.

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