
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

I wonder what Bloomberg thinks about killing civilians now.

The embrace of the killers.

Richard Mellor

Afscme Local 444, retired



I wrote this commentary a few weeks ago and never finished it. But when I watched that group of Russians, Muslims from Dagestan apparently, forcing their way in to the airport after a plane from Tel Aviv landed there, it reminded me of how Anti-Semitism and Zionism are wedded. They went around searching, not for Israeli’s but for Jews, according to the media. I am not saying they were all Jew haters, as the behavior of the Zionist regime complicates that issue a little bit, but those who are Anti-Semites by their very nature, as Gabor Maté described it, hate Jews for being Jews, will use the recent events to come a little more in to the open.


The Israeli state is a racist, brutal Apartheid regime to say the least, but those of us that advocate for the Palestinian people and their rights must be very clear that whenever the anti- Semites raise their heads we expose them. Here’s what I wrote.


Michael Bloomberg is the 7th richest man in the world according to Forbes with a net worth of $94.5 billion, a significant increase from March 2009 when Forbes reported Bloomberg's wealth at $16 billion. He invests a fair amount of that in Israel from what I gather.


Bloomberg is a majority shareholder and one of the founders of Bloomberg News which owns Business Week Magazine. He ran for president in the 2020 US national election spending $935 million of what the media describes as his own money though he never earned it. He has switched back and forth between the two capitalist parties, being both a Republican and Democrat at different times.


“During the 2014 bombardment of Gaza, in which more more than 500 Palestinian kids were killed, Bloomberg told CBS News that Israel ‘cannot have a proportional response’ when fighting Hamas.


The idea that 2.1 million Palestinians are Hamas supporters is as absurd as suggesting that 300 million Americans support Donald Trump or Joe Biden for that matter. Most Americans have no say in all the predatory wars the US engages in.


It’s no surprise then that the editorial in the October 16th issue of Business Week the headline reads “The World Must Support Israel’s War Against Terrorism.”.  Bloomberg praises Joe Biden for his pledge to “stand with Israel’. “There can be no excusing the slaughter of civilians” the editorial says.


Business Week goes on to point out that the breaching of the fence that contains over 2 million Palestinians in captivity in Gaza (a rarity indeed) that led to the attack (unprovoked according to Bloomberg) and horrible slaughter of many Israeli’s many of them civilians, will reduce the “…chances of substantial territorial concessions in the West Bank as part of a prospective peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Israel.”.


But the occupation of the West Bank and the endless building of settlements on Palestinian land has been declared illegal by the UN and pretty much every country in the world; technically neither Israel or the Saudi’s should be bargaining over the rights of Palestinians in the occupied territories. There’s not a Palestinian or anyone else in the world with an ounce of sense that believes the Zionist Apartheid regime will make any serious concessions to the Palestinians. That the deal is between the Zionists and Saudi’s is warning enough that there is nothing in it that could benefit the Palestinian population.


Bloomberg offers what we are supposed to think is a concession, a moment of objectivity or neutrality claiming that Israel’s, “….hard line policies in Jerusalem and the occupied territories have fueled Palestinian anger and desperation endangering Israelis far from the settlements.”


“But that’s for another time.”, says Business Week,”….For now, Israel’s priority must be to destroy the ability of Hamas to further threaten the country’s security.”


US president Biden who shamefully repeated the lie that Israeli babies were being beheaded by Hamas’ attack on October 7th is in Israel now assuring us that a Palestinian terror group blew up the hospital in Gaza that has killed 500 innocent people. He stands firm with Israel and its right to defend itself.


I can only speculate as to what Obama’s $38 billion weapons deal for the Zionist regime could have done for the Palestinians and Israeli’s if it were spent differently. “Both Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu and I are confident that the new MOU will make a significant contribution to Israel’s security in what remains a dangerous neighborhood,”, Obama said.


Obama was also pretty generous to the Saudi’s offering them $115 billion in weapons, military equipment and training. This was scaled back a bit as the Saudi’s slaughter in Yemen, considered the world’s worst humanitarian crisis at the time was becoming a bit of an embarrassment for Washington.


But either way we look at it, it is the US that profits in these neverending conflicts. Supplying weapons of mass destruction for both sides is great for Investors in the arms industry, and finding out who they are is not easy and all US president are guilty.


In some ways the Zionists are secondary characters. Behind them are the western imperial powers who saw in the aftermath of WW1 and the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, an opportunity to get a foothold in the Middle East and their hands on the wealth beneath the deserts of the region.


After the betrayal of Stalinism and the Nazi Holocaust, many European Jews who had never considered leaving the countries in which they lived and worked, the idea of a state of their own to escape the violence and attempts to exterminate them gained traction and the Zionist movement with it. As one Jewish English guy from that era said to me, once “If we didn’t find somewhere to go they’d kill us all.”


It was a perfect opportunity for the Western powers to fill the vacuum in Palestine by supporting a Jewish state in the region. “Our loyal little Ulster in the Middle East” one British bureaucrat said at the time. Europe’s Jews and the concept of Jewish state in Palestine would be a European foothold in the oil rich region to fill the vacuum left by the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.


The truth is it’s been a disaster for the Jewish people. But for the Zionists, Anti-Semitism is crucial for without it, Zionism is dead.

I wonder what Michael Bloomberg thinks about killing civilians now. Does he support a an immediate cease fire as the rest of the world does?


1 comment:

  1. Bloomberg epitomizes the clearest capture of both parties of capitalism in the US. And basically the rest of the world. Vicious evil capitalists who will spend every dime they have to denigrate the word "socialism" if it ever gathers the public's attention.
