
Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Road Rage on Rise. Academy Condemns Violence After Oscars

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Richard Mellor

Afscme Local 444, retired




Here in the US we love to win; USA, USA is our cheer no matter the cause. Whether it’s for a victory in one of the numerous ventures abroad as our hi-tech aircraft, drones and bombers work hard as they can bringing peace and democracy and the American way of life to the world, or a golf tournament or track meet, we love our teams.


A new study reveals the dedication to this cause no matter what.  The study by the Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund, says that road rage shootings “injured or killed” on average 44 people a month in 2021. I know I’ve noticed increased anger and carelessness on the roads since the pandemic but here in the US, when anger arises, when someone disses you, you have to act and act with vengeance. No back and forth, no heated confrontation up to a point and then a retreat before it goes too far which is generally what most animals do in these situations. No, you have to settle it right there and settle it permanently; no escape valves allowed.


Every 17 hours in the US someone is shot, injured or killed during a road rage incident according to the study that also points out that between 2016 and 2019 one third of road rage incidents in which a gun was used resulted in injury or death. That amounts to under 300 people for each of those years. However, for 2021 alone, some two thirds or over 500 people were killed or injured in incidents involving gun use.


The pandemic and all it entails has clearly increased people's frustration and isolation from society as a whole. But this is not the cause. US capitalism is in crisis, it is a brutal and violent system. It is the worst industrialized country to be poor in. You are never secure, always on edge. Decent housing or accommodation is beyond reach for so many people. The US health care system is a barbaric one where insurance companies determine procedures and whether or not you get health care at all. Homelessness is out of control and veterans of US capitalism's predatory for profit wars are a huge percentage of the homeless and more veterans have died through suicide than the US wars over the past 20 years. 


Reading about the road rage also made me think of the now infamous event at the Oscars where the actor Will Smith walked on stage and struck the comedian Chris Rock for making a crack about his wife. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (known as the Academy) that runs the Oscars commented, "The Academy does not condone violence of any form”. That’s as hypocritical as Joe Biden being moved to tears by the violence in Ukraine. Hollywood movies thrive on violence and especially sexual violence and violence against women and young girls.


I remember when Arnold Schwarzenegger was governor of California and spoke of youth violence and condemned it and allotted millions to anti-gang activity including more cops.


Schwarzenegger made millions of dollars making films in which violence was the main theme. Then as a politician he condemns violence, when he encouraged it as the first response to issues or conflict as an artist if he can be called that.


US capitalism is unraveling.

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