
Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Former NATO Soldier DESTROYS Official Ukraine War Narrative

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444 retired

Not bad at all. But we know why the hypocrisy, the sheer "neck" as the speaker calls it, on mass murderers like Condoleezza Rice, Tony Blair, George W Bush, Michelle Obama's friend and confidante, and others. There is a global struggle between world powers for control over markets, raw materials and labor power. People just don't know what to do about it.

I am old enough to remember the US invasion of Panama. The US mass media boasted of the precision weapons and the new technology guiding them and so on. I don't recall seeing one dead body. Same with the US's illegal invasion of Iraq (a sovereign nation right) that has destroyed that country. That drove hundreds of thousands in to neighboring countries like Jordan, Turkey and Syria and further north in to Europe where they faced racism, discrimination and calls to "go home".

The US regime, the most violent and barbaric on the planet if we look at its results in terms of destruction of infrastructure and deaths, not to mention torture, has no credibility criticizing anyone. The US government even prevented the coffins of their own war dead to be shown on TV. And let's not forget, that the US and its Democratic Party is the only force on the planet to drop nuclear weapons on urban centers in an already defeated and retreating nation of people as a warning to its bogeymen at the time, the Soviet Union and the Chinese Revolution.

It is despairing to watch CNN whose reporters were "embedded" with the invaders of Iraq and Afghanistan as reporters like John Pilger and Robert Fisk at least brought reports from the ground. Julian Assange who shared the results of US war crimes in Iraq languishes in a British prison facing a 175 year prison sentence or possible death if extradited to the US.

No matter what happens here, we still have the crises and destabilization of the Middle East and other parts of the world due to years of colonialism and now US imperialism and its junior partners. There is neither side in this geo-political struggle for the domination of the world and its potential wealth. that workers can support. It is good the speaker here talks not only of the Ukrainian suffering and death but also the young Russian conscripts sent in to a war that is not in their interest. The US and other western media praising the Ukrainians making Molotov cocktails call Palestinians terrorists for doing the same. When a Palestinian youth kills one of the Zionist regime's occupying forces that destroy their homes, take their land he is referred to as a "militant" or terrorist. Enemy Combatant is another term used to deny resisters to imperialism's invasions. Bizarre it may be but there are rules of war but they don't apply to enemy combatants, or militants.

Of course we must oppose the invasion but we should demand the dismantling of NATO and recognize that ordinary Russians also have concerns about their security given the US/NATO record of slaughter. But in the last analysis, just like all the crises the world is facing, all the misery ordinary people are experiencing, there is no solution to it on the basis of capitalism. 

Nations are driven to war by the laws of the system as capitalism is a system of war in the competition between major powers for markets and capital accumulation and it cannot solve a problem it creates. It's not about Putin being a bad guy or macho contests between him and Biden.  The US and its financial Arm the IMF demands of the Ukraine and the Zelinsky regime,  the privatization of its industries and the opening up of its markets to western capital. To Musk, Gates, Bezos, all of them.  Russia's billionaires, though far weaker than the US brand, are Oligarchs. Ours are entrepreneurs, job creators, successful businessmen.

Only the working class in the US and internationally can stop this madness. It seems like a utopian dream especially in the US given the relative acquiescence of the US working class to US capitalism's offensive and the capitulation and collaboration of the heads of organized labor with it. But this will change, at some point that dam will be breached and there are, in the wake of the pandemic, rumblings within and without organized labor in the US as the pandemic magnified the importance of the worker in society or what has been termed essential workers. This genie will not be put back in the bottle so easily though all the war propaganda will do doubt slow it. This is aided by the support by and deafening silence of the heads of organized labor on foreign policy especially.

Without the intervention of the working class as an organized and united international force coming on to the world stage and fulfilling the task history has set for us, transforming human production from production for profit of a few to production for social needs of the many in harmony with nature,  there is a real possibility that capitalism will drag us all over the abyss and end human life as we know it.

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