
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

My Union and the Battles in The Workplace

Richard Mellor GED
Afscme Local 444, retired

This is a just a reflection on part of my life, mainly the workplace and the activity in the union that is related to it. I just did this on the spur of the moment but want to follow it up with more, and perhaps a little more organized and chronogical. After all, this is working class history

I am sharing it with some of my former workmates and I am making it public rather than private on social media because our lives, especially our work lives are so similar whether you are blue collar, a nurse, waiter, a truck driver, a teacher and more. I know that what I describe in this video so many of will have experienced at work. After all, we spend at least a third of our lives and more at work. If you want to share your work story here contact us.

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