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Sunday, May 31, 2020
Who Says Blue Lives "Don't" Matter?
Note: I posted this last September but think it's as relevant 8 months on and in the midst of the protests and riots in response to the murder of black people by the police. The same old racist arguments, couched as genuine criticism are flying around. White Lives Matter in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. Then those that want to portray black folks as thugs and looters when the real thugs and looters carry out their looting under protection of legality. The critics, unable to overcome their own racial or color prejudice and the fear that instills in them are increasingly in a minority though I believe.
I did make a small error here saying "white" lives matter at one point when I meant "blue". The other thing is that the point I make in the video about the invention of the white race and what amounts to the white skin privilege conferred on the European workers by the white ruling class was clearly a concentrated effort to undermine working class unity and has been very successful.
However, things have changed dramatically as the assault on the white working class has intensified as well making this more difficult. We are in an era where life expectancy for whites is declining.
If we consider that 100 million Americans eligible to vote did not participate in the presidential election in 2016, a significant number of them must be white or workers of European descent. They are not all Nazi's and neither are a significant portion of them that did vote; life is complicated when choices are extremely limited and there's an absence of leadership. Also, the US workforce is more integrated than ever with more women in the workplace as well.
The ruling class will always use racism to undermine unity between workers, but it is definitely not as easy as it once was and would be harder still if the heads of organized labor had a serious strategy to combat it.
Feel free to comment or send me personal comments or questions or ask me to clarify what I meant by something I said. The e mail is we_know_whats_up@yahoo.com
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