
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Public Sector Woes. Trump Blackmails North Carolina.

From yesterday May 26th.

The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic will be felt for decades to come. US capitalism will shift the cost of saving the economy on to the backs of the US working class, our children and our children's children. Trump is threatening to pull the Republican National Convention from North Carolina if the governor does not abolish social distancing measures. He is willing to let people die to open the economy as the economy is the only issue he feels will save him from defeat in November.

I read this morning some expected news, the heads of organized labor in the US, the top international presidents and officials that make up the leadership of the AFL-CIO have endorsed Biden. Once again, the US working class has no voice in the upcoming elections and the labor officialdom once again pushes on the working class a political party that tens of millions abandoned long ago. Not form some personal whim, but because history has taught them that both these parties of capitalism, Republicans and Democrats are against their interests. Our material well-being and living standards have suffered no matter which party is in power.

The failure of the labor hierarchy to fight has not only delayed a mass movement to change society or improve our lives, it bears much of the responsibility for the rise of Trump and the increase in racial attacks that we are witnessing at the moment.

I should add that I do not consider the police, who are in the public sector officially, are workers. The police are a social force under control of the capitalist state whose primary function is to defend capital and the capitalist system

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