
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

UK: Leaked Document Reveals Internal Sabotage by Top Labor Party Officials

This is a section of a report from Novara Media about the leaked documents that detail how high Labor Party officials worked to undermine the party and attack and smear left wing party officials. Corbyn of Course was a prime target but Diane Abbot pictured here received some of the most vile racist and sexist messages as well as threats of violence. She was Home Secretary in the Shadow Cabinet of Jeremy Corbyn from 2016 to 2020

I saw her speak about this in the British Parliament some time ago and how she kept her composure I don't know. It was so moving I wanted to be there to give her support. What has happened here is a document has been leaked that confirms top Labor Party officials were making every effort to undermine Corbyn and the party's left wing, preferring a conservative victory to a Corbyn government. There were disgusting attempts to humiliate Abbot and at every opportunity to inform the mass media about her whereabouts even making people aware she was crying in the toilets at one time trying to gain her composure under such circumstances. As the reporter explains, she was the most vilified politician in the UK.

Abbot, elected first black woman Member of Parliament.
The standard bearer in any situation receives the first volleys.

This is important officials of a political party trying to bring about the party's defeat through sabotage, and as explained in this article, "For many what will make this material all the more appalling is that Labour was less than 2,500 votes away from forming a government in 2017, after winning 40% of the popular vote – the party’s best results since 1997." Read this article here.

Any serious left wing union activist here in the US, or anywhere to be correct,  knows the lengths to which the mass media will go to undermine workers struggles, workers' power and collective solidarity in action.  Socialism is linked to Stalinism and vilified. Sanders, the Social Democrat despite having a huge following and apparently lots of cash has brought many new members in to the capitalist Democratic Party and is backing Joe Biden, the party's expected choice for president. At no time has Sanders stressed the importance of working class power in the form of direct action and the need to build an independent working class political party. He has been supported enthusiastically by the leadership of the Democratic Socialists of America and some socialist organizations eager to benefit in his wake through new recruits. So once again, the lesser of two evils policy is under full steam.

From what friends in the UK tell me this leaked document has caused a major storm. 

The full video and report on this is here.

The British website Left Horizons has an editorial on this issue here.

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