
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Amazon Worker on Strike Speaks Truth to Power.

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444, retired

Note: As I write I read the Amazon worker that led this strike has been fired. The US bourgeois is overconfident and adding fuel to a fire that can consume them.

Listen to this Amazon worker telling it like it is. This is just the tip of the iceberg, just the opening act what is about to become a major production. The anger, hatred, disdain for a system that abuses human beings, a system in which a few obscenely rich people wallow in their wealth as workers live day to day in the richest most powerful country on earth.

Basic social essentials like health care are denied millions of people or are the road to debt bondage when the necessity for them arises. We must not be conned in to this false narrative that we are "all in this together" that we are "one people" 'one nation". There is no fault in saying we are divided. In all nations there is division, it is not an anomaly and we have to recognize it. Classes exist and one class exists only through it exploitation, rape and robbery of the other. It's exploitation, rape and robbery of the natural world, the land the forests the oceans.

Workers do not create the division, but we can end it.

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