
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Morally Bankrupt Jason Rantz Attacks Kshama Sawant

Richard Mellor
Afscme Local 444 retired

Look at this morally bankrupt capitalist mouthpiece Jason Rantz. He attacks Kshama Sawant, the socialist on the Seattle City Council for telling the truth about the war criminal and political opportunist John McCain the fortunate son of a four star Admiral and like father, a warrior for Wall Street. Rantz should be grateful Sawant went easy on McCain saying that he's responsible for merely hundreds of thousands of deaths which is probably a low count, more than a million would be more accurate. 

Workers, socialists and all activists striving for a better world need to defend our class allies. Kshama Sawant supported and spoke out on behalf of the Boeing workers when economic terrorism was waged by that company threatening to  move their jobs to the non-union South if they refused to accept cuts. Sawant called on the workers to take over the plant. Rantz is a paid pimp of the 1%. He gets paid for slandering a socialist politician and spouting anti-union/worker views. Imagine what they do to countries that attempt even partial socialist measures. They send the young John McCain's out to "bomb bomb bomb".

We have had differences with Kshama Sawant that we have expressed on this forum but a pos like Rantz is a pimple on the backside of the world compared to what she stands for and speaks out about.  "Power hungry" Rantz calls Sawant. What a cretin. If Sawant was power hungry she would not have openly campaigned as a socialist knowing that you can be a pedophile and rapist and be elected to public office in the US just don't openly claim to be an atheist a socialist or a Muslim. McCain inflicted great harm on US workers and our families; workers don't have to gloat over his death but we have no reason to mourn it. Kshama Sawant is the complete antithesis of Rantz. We put up a short piece about McCain yesterday.

Rantz: Morally bankrupt Kshama Sawant attacks McCain after death


Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant. (AP)

Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant sunk to a new low in what seems like her quest to become our most detestable, shameful and morally bankrupt excuse of a politician. She’s succeeding.

Less than 24 hours after his death, Sawant took to Twitter to attack McCain, blaming him for “hundreds of thousands of deaths” for his support of “every imperialist war while in office…”
As the country mourns a hero, Sawant needed to redirect some of that attention to herself. She had, of course, nothing good to say. She never does. On Aug. 26, Sawant tweeted.
A politician’s legacy is a political not personal question. An enthusiastic supporter of every imperialist war while in office, John McCain shares responsibility for hundreds of thousands of deaths. To whitewash that is to disrespect those who died in Iraq, Afghanistan, elsewhere [sic].
As sharp as a marble, Sawant continued in a second tweet:
Not to mention the countless working people’s lives damaged by McCain’s support, as a Senator, for brutal neoliberal social and economic policies in the United States. Our solidarity belongs with the millions of families suffering under such policies here & abroad.
Actually, our solidarity belongs with McCain’s family. Because unlike Sawant, McCain has endured actual adversity and, instead of turning bitter and evil (like Sawant), he turned to public service to help those in need. And he never acted out for his own personal brand, something Sawant should emulate.

McCain was full of hope, making tough decisions even if it might hurt him politically, because he wanted to do what he believed to be right for everyone, not just himself. Kshama? She clings to power by creating enemies out of the people and systems that help those she pretends to care for, conning thousands into thinking she has solutions. She has none. She has bumper sticker slogans about economic systems she doesn’t understand and she preys on members of the working class looking for help. She has no help; she has only the unfulfilled promise of it.

Sawant isn’t shy about showing her true colors. She’s open in her Jew-hating, hosting an anti-Semitic event just weeks ago. Sawant is, in a word, rotten.

Her tweets were ill-advised, and I’d explain to her why, but I don’t have enough crayons in my arsenal. Though, I suspect, she knows what she’s doing here. This was calculated.
Power hungry, Sawant is rumored to be considering a job with the national Socialists party. But, she’s not getting much attention lately. She lost a bruising battle with Amazon as she tried to tax jobs out of existence.

It was such a humiliating loss, Sawant quickly turned to something she knew she could win. She moved to #SaveTheShowbox, preying on emotional attachments to concerts attended years ago. This was all while she got into bed with big business, hoping you’d be too busy reminiscing about that Prince concert you attended to realize her hypocrisy (and, not to mention, screwing you out of 422 new housing units, which would drive down rent).

And she’s desperate for attention. She saw an opening after the Socialist-media darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did the classy move in honoring McCain. Sawant must have noticed the Socialist anger, with Twitter trolls upset Ocasio-Cortez didn’t lower herself to personal attacks against a war hero. So Sawant jumped in to provide the Socialist-red meat to the angry, bitter wolves.

I’d ask the rather cliche question, Have you no decency, Sawant? But I already know the answer.
Listen to the Jason Rantz Show weekdays 6 a.m. to 9 a.m. on AM 770 KTTH Radio (also heard on HD Radio 97.3 FM HD Channel 3). Subscribe to the podcast here.

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