
Monday, July 9, 2018

Meeting: Irish Bill to Ban Illegal Trade with Zionist Settlements

From Joan Collins TD. (member of Irish Parliament)

Senator Francis Black has passed on the following message about tomorrow night's meeting. It would be great to get as much support as possible on the evening for this very important meeting.

"I'm delighted to have been invited by Deputy Joan Collins to speak in the Iveagh Grounds in Crumlin tomorrow night 10th July at 7.30pm about the situation in Palestine and what Ireland can do to oppose the ongoing injustice. I'll be discussing my recent visit to Gaza  and the West Bank, and my 'Occupied Territories Bill 2018', which would end Irish trade in illegal settlement goods. The bill will be back in the Seanad this Wednesday 11th July.

I'm really honoured to be joined by Fayez & Mona Owda (58 and 55 years respectively) a Palestinian farming couple who have travelled all the way to Ireland to share their story about the challenges of farming under Occupation in the West Bank. They will be in Cork today and Dublin tomorrow, and are really keen to meet the Irish communities who are standing up for them. They'll also highlight the importance of opposing illegal settlement expansion in the West Bank before it's too late, and the importance of the Occupied Territories Bill in doing this. They have basic English, but are traveling with Mr Fadi Quran, senior campaigner with Avaaz, who will translate.

There has been huge public interest in this bill, and I'd be delighted if people would come and help welcome Fayez Mona tomorrow. They have been striving for decades to keep their farm alive, despite losing much of their land to the occupation wall and suffering continued pollution."
Here is a very short video about the couple."

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