
Friday, April 27, 2018

Support Red Hawk Casino Workers

The Worker Solidarity group, The Committee of El Dorado County (CA) has been working with Red Hawk casino workers on their union organizing campaign. We had a Community Night for Red Hawk workers this past Monday and it was a huge success. Over a hundred people showed up to support the workers and their efforts to unionize.

UNITE//HERE Local 49 has a petition drive so that the community can show support for the workers and their families. The petition reads as follows:

To: Regina Cuellar, Chairwoman of the Shingle Springs Miwok Tribal Council
From: [Your Name]
We, the undersigned, are proud representatives of the community. We believe in employees having the right to demand a living wage and the right to dream of financial stability. As neighbors and proactive community members, we want to share our support for the unionization of Red Hawk. Union jobs are good, stable jobs.

Please go to this link to add your name to the petition. You don’t have to be local to sign. The drop down menu for country has many options.

Thanks for your support.
EDP Workers Solidarity Network

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