
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Chicago front line report from march against gun laws written by gun industry capitalists.

Chicago march against gun laws imposed by gun industry capitalists and their stooges NRA.

US march against gun capitalists selling just about anything to just about anybody. Anything for profit.   

Greg Bartik. National Nurses United. (Personal Capacity)

Union Park 11a today Chicago's West Side

Was thrilled to see a Woodstock like attendance as I approached.
Roads overwhelmed 
Young and old old black and white throngs approaching on foot 360
5 helicopters and a drone
1000 cops
500 on bikes
Was expecting 300 of the same old protesters at everything
Park swollen with mostly a rainbow of high school kids
But everyone including geezers in wheelchairs
Parents pulling wagons of small kids.
Bleachers. Sound So full with thousands I had no hope of getting close
When luck kissed me for being a nurse
I young black female in an orange vest and a walkie talkie was trying to get an ambulance for someone collapsed in front
I volunteered
Wierd slow mo run through crowd
They were gone
Stayed in bleachers
Marvelled at 4 propeller drone over stage
And the $ spent
2 huge hi def tv erected from flatbed trailors
Speaker arrays hanging from cranes
Huge stage with all modern concert technology
Media island
Tent 200 porta potties
Festival fencing
Rubber floors
Officail ID's etc 
Hundred of thousands of dollars from above making real event staged and bigger
Super well orchestrated 
Singers dancers rappers poets etc
Piped in Boys from.Fla HS using a stronger together slogan woven in
PC liberal Dem spiced up with local minority talent
Controlled opposition 
Tightly controlled
Festival union labor
Told black dance crew about the song Compaired to what 
From Les McCann in 69
Being relevant
And about controlled opposition
Shook hands when he got on play list
Back to Puerto Rican restaraunt to warn up

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