
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

California: Placerville Community Stands up Against Racism.

by Scott Schroeder, Placerville CA

So recently our local town newspaper, the Mountain Democrat published a very racist one-sided opinion piece and that same week one of my very close friends and co--workers was attacked by some asshole with racial slurs. Our progressive group organized protests at the paper’s offices.

Citizens of Placerville also took to the streets Monday in the pouring rain to protest the papers decision. The citizens plan on being back every Monday at 12 noon til...???? To inform their community that certain writers employed by the Mountain Democrat may be using the local paper to promote racism? A big kudos to everyone who stood in the rain, in solidarity to fight racism in our community. There was mostly honking and thumbs up of support although some of El Dorado county's less educated spewed their ignorance of hate. Great job to everyone who showed up to battle hate! Another day people of the Placerville community made me proud.

Thanks to Scott Schroeder Gerald Greenwood and their neighbors and friends up in Placerville, El Dorado County (CA) organizing against the local paper publishing racist opinion pieces. This is what community means and whenever racism appears or is given space in the mainstream media it is in the interest of all workers to oppose it and oppose it in action, not in silence or the comfort of our living rooms.  For more information about this event or for contact information and other issues in the area go to the El Dorado Country Progressives Facebook Page.

Scott and Heather Schroeder are long time union activists, members of the UFCW.   The article from the Mountain Democrat can be read here
FFWP Admin.

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