
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Summary of 90-minute phone conference between Obama and Putin on the crisis in Ukraine.

by Richard Mellor

I got mad the other day hearing Obama and Kerry talking about the need to respect national sovereignty and how Russia should pull out of the Ukraine. What hypocrisy from leaders of a state that has troops in about 180 countries; they don't represent me. So I just wrote the below out of frustration and put it on FB.  Some guy asked if it was a poem I wrote and I wrote it but didn't know it was a poem.  It was quite popular so I'm putting it here. I owe the title to Lee BuschBaum.

US tells Russia to pull its troops out of Ukraine
Russia tells US to pull its troops out of South Korea
US tells Russia to pull its troops out of Georgia
Russia tells US to pull its troops out of Afghanistan
US tells Russia to pull its troops out of Chechnya
Russia tells US to pull its troops out of Iraq
US tells Russia to have a word with Assad
Russia tells US to have a word with Netenyahu
US tells Russia not to mistreat gays
Russia tells US not to mistreat blacks
US tells Russia to respect democratic rights
Russia tells US to respect democratic rights
US tells Russia it shouldn't have 800,000 people in prison
Russia tells US it shouldn't have 2.4 million in prison
US tells Russia to protect indigenous rights
Russia tells the US to respect indigenous rights

Putin says Russian workers have to tighten their belts
Obama says US workers have to tighten their belts.

Finally their minds meet.

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