by Michael Roberts
Most of the readers of this blog won’t know Jimmy Carr. He is a
successful comedian who appears on UK TV and seemingly all over, on a
regular basis. He recently did a satirical skit exposing the way the
big banks paid so little tax. Then it was revealed that his accountant
had arranged for much of his earnings to pass through a tax scam.
Apparently he was legally employed by a nameplate company in tax-haven
Jersey, a small island in the English Channel near France that has
special privileges to allow this, although the island is supposed to be
part of the UK. Carr’s millions thus avoided UK tax.
Carr was one of thousands of very rich earners engaged in this
practice of perfectly legal tax avoidance. When Carr was exposed as a
hypocrite in attacking corporate tax scams but operating his own, he
admitted his ‘mistake’ and called it a “terrible error of judgement” and
said he was ending the practice. Other rich people in the media world
have not been so contrite. Jeremy Clarkson is a top British TV pundit
who leads a TV programme and writes a newspaper column on fast cars and
other ‘manly’ things, earning millions. In the tabloid, Murdoch-owned
newspaper that he writes for, he told his readers that Jimmy Carr had
worked hard to ‘earn’ his millions, so he should be allowed to reduce
his tax bill to a minimum by any legal means possible. We all would do
it – wouldn’t we? Well, there is a small grain of truth in that
But there is also a heap of sophism. First, most people in Britain,
Greece or the US cannot use these special tax avoidance schemes. They
are working for an employer, private or public, who deducts their tax at
source (pay as you earn) and not by submitting a tax return through an
accountant who has thought up every possible tax dodge. Only the rich
and corporations can generally do this. In the case of Greece, they
often don’t even bother to find tax avoidance schemes, but simply don’t
pay – and nothing happens (see my last post, Greece, Exit poll?, 17 June 2012). But it is not just in Greece.
Second, according to the UK’s Inland Revenue inspectors, who have
seen cuts in investigator staff making more difficult to chase tax
evaders and check on tax avoidance schemes, there is now such a backlog
of cases in tax tribunals, to which rich taxpayers have appealed, that
it will take 30 years to clear! So those avoiding or evading tax are
likely to get away with it.
And third, the answer to these tax avoidance scams is to ban them by
law: that removes the moral issue of whether an individual person or
company should use them or not. British footballers on £200k a week use
a host of schemes, the latest of which is to ‘invest’ in a movie film,
where the income invested is eventually returned to the footballer
tax-free. And of course, we know about the host of scandals where very
large UK companies like Vodafone, the telecoms giant, avoided paying
billions in tax with the shake of a hand with the head of the UK’s
Inland Revenue at a private meeting. One leading accountant said in
response to all the noise about Jimmy Carr. Well, if they ban one
scheme, we’ll just find another. What that tells you is that unless
large companies are under the democratic control of the state and its
employees and stops paying any individual huge amounts of pay. bonuses
and perks, these tax scams will continue.
And that gets to the heart of the matter. Tax scams come about
because of the existence of very rich people and giant companies i.e
modern capitalism. It has got even more grotesque when the 99% are
experiencing the difficulties and misery of the Long Depression, which
has not affected 1% at all. Indeed, inequality of income and wealth has
never been so extreme. A new IMF study finds that the share of
national income received by labour dropped during the Long Depression.
The link between the labour share and inequality is not necessarily
tight. While more income may be flowing to capital and less to labour,
workers may own shares directly or via their pension funds. Thus, some
of the income that goes to capital flows back to them, diminishing the
impact of falling labour shares on inequality. Still, the labor share is
a good indicator of trends in inequality. And during the recovery
since the Great Depression, profits have rebounded quite strongly in
most economies, leading to a decline in the labour share.
In advanced Europe,
the behaviour of the labour share during the most recent recovery seems
broadly similar to what took place during other recoveries between 1980
and 2006: profits increased quite strongly relative to labour income
(see chart, middle panel). In contrast, the recent recovery in the United States
appears unusual from a historical perspective and more similar to an
average European recovery, with a much stronger rebound in profits
relative to labor income. In many European economies, workers are not
worse off after the Great Recession in terms of their share of national
income. The labour share is still higher today than just before the
Great Recession in many economies (see chart, bottom panel). Yet, in the
United States and in a few European economies (especially Greece and
Spain), the labor share remains well below its pre-crisis level.
And one concomitant effect of this rise in profit share and
inequality of income and wealth is a further rise in poverty. A recent
report on the UK found that almost seven million adults of working age
are struggling financially, finding it difficult to feed themselves and
their families despite working full-time. Poverty is rising among
those with jobs, let alone those without. Around 3.6 million British
households say they are unable to cope on their income and have no
assets or savings to fall back on, leaving them vulnerable if they face a
sudden large expenditure. And one group that is suffering most are
young people.
The number of young people unemployed for more than a year has
increased almost nine-fold over the past decade, according to a new
study by Britain’s trade union federation. The TUC said the number of
18 to 24-year-olds out of work had soared by 874%, from 6,260 to 60,955
since 2000, going up by 264% in the last year alone. Long-term
unemployment across all age groups increased by 50%. Workers aged
between 18 and 21 have seen their pay rise by 35%, around 3% less than
the rise in inflation, compared with average wage increases of 41%, said
the report.
And there is nothing unique about Britain. The story is the same in
the US. A recent report by the
US Bureau of Labor Statistics (A Profile of the Working Poor, 2010) fod (BLS Report 1035), published in March 2012 showed that “10.5
million individuals were among the “working poor” in 2010; this measure
was little changed from 2009 … In 2010, the working-poor rate—the ratio
of the working poor to all individuals in the labor force for at least
27 weeks—was 7.2 percent, also little different from the previous year’s
figure (7.0 percent) … 4.2 percent of those usually employed full time
were classified as working poor, compared with 15.1 percent of part-time
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