
Sunday, April 15, 2012

American Nazi Party gets its first Washington lobbyist.

Washington DC is a town full of innovation.  The latest first for the home base of the political representatives of the `1% is its first Nazi Party lobbyist.  The American Nazi Party registered its first lobbyist, 65 year-old John Bowles, according to the BBC.

Bowles says he wants to address, “political rights and ballot access”.  The Nazi lobbyist also expects that Congressmen will be willing to meet with him.  It seems that Bowles is a real paragon of virtue.  Aside from political rights (for Nazis only?) he lists his lobbying interests as “agriculture, clean air and water” (no gas please) “healthcare “(where is Mengele when you need him?) “immigration”, (loves those immigrants and wants to bring ‘em in by train no doubt) “manufacturing and retirement.”, the BBC reports. Bowles is quite the gentleman, “I’m not going to go in and shove a swastika in their face” he says.  That’s nice.

Bowles suggests some Congresspersons will be “reluctant” to meet with him.  We hope so.  Any Democrat or Republican that meets with Bowles should be expelled from their respective parties one would think but don’t count on it.  Nazi’s don’t believe in civil rights.  The National Socialist Party is a racist party. Members of this party should be denied Union representation and protection on the job as their philosophy is to deny workers the democratic rights we have won over the years.

That such a character can walk down the street without fear is something that needs to change.

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