
Friday, November 4, 2011

Solidarity statement from Occupy Cornell to Occupy Oakland

To Our Fellow Occupiers in Oakland:

As members of the Cornell community, participants in American democracy, and citizens of the world, we stand in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Oakland, Occupy Ithaca, and Occupy movements everywhere. In response to the reports of increased violence in Oakland and at other occupations, we affirm our solidarity with Occupy Oakland and all occupiers threatened by violence, be it physical, verbal, or otherwise.

We recognize that these challenges will only be the first of many, and assert that it is essential for the Occupy movements to remain united in the face of opposition to come. To this end, we condemn the asymmetrical police response to Occupiers in Oakland and elsewhere. Furthermore, we condemn oppression in all its forms and reaffirm our commitment to nonviolence. We are dedicated to creating a world in which political engagement, economic justice, and social equality are the norm.

The Occupy movements are an embodiment of free speech and assembly. These rights are essential to an open democratic process and we exercise these rights in order to build a better society. For too long we have participated in a sociopolitical system that is democratic in name only and we insist that each and every voice be heard.

Occupy Cornell

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