
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Capitalist food production: The size and power of the U.S. food oligopoly

I have been reading a little more about the environment and capitalism these days. When I was very active in the Union movement in what amounted to being a permanent shop steward on the job for 25 years or so, I had numerous conflicts with some in the environmental movement.  It was not that I disagreed with them about their concerns, it was that their attitude to working  people seemed condescending and arrogant.  Working for a public water utility in California meant that the environment, especially water usage, was a hot topic. The utility's board was dominated by flunkies for the construction and land development industry but there was generally a liberal environmentalist type on there elected from more middle class liberal communities.
November 28, 2011
Four food giants had total sales of $240 billion in 2010, more than the GDPs of 148 countries

From Frugal Dad: Take a look at this infographic from the Frugal Dad team. I’ve said it a million times – you get what you pay for, and cheap food is no exception. The amount of consolidation in the industry is shocking, and it’s not getting better any time soon.

If you’ve been following the news, you know that Big Food successfully lobbied this week to have pizza sauce considered a vegetable under school lunch rules. The industry also managed to block most of the nutritional changes that to school lunches that doctors and dieticians had been recommending for years, virtually guaranteeing that America’s schools will continue to serve processed, unhealthy garbage to our children. If you didn’t know that Big Food wields disproportionate influence in America today, reading this infographic will be a great wakeup call.
Conglomerate American Food Infographic
Source: Frugal dad

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