
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Penn State, Wall Street, OWS, US capitalism.

Some our readers from outside the US may not have heard of the sexual abuse crisis at Penn State University. This the university with the most winning football program of all. This program has brought in up to $1 billion for Penn State over the years. There is big money involved. Not only that but along with all the other sports programs in Universities and not in universities it is part of the bread and circuses method of keeping the masses distracted from seeing who is running society and who is ripping them off. So now when this top most winning coach of 84 years of age is fired this stirs up somewhat of a debate.

He has been fired for not reporting the sexual abuse scandal and crimes that have been going on in the sports program for up to 17 years. Back in 1996 a now still assistant coach reported walking into the shower and seeing another coach, Sandusky, raping, forcing anal sex, on a young ten year old boy. I have to turn my head away and close my eyes to get this horrific image out of my head.

What did this then 28 year old coach do? He did not try to stop this crime. He went home and told his father!!!! Unbelievable. He went home and told dad. The next day he told the now fired top coach Paterno. Paterno told his superior in the university and that is where it stopped. Apparently the local cops and the university cops heard about it and other rapes of young boys but did nothing.

What is involved here? What is involved is big money and how when it takes over institutions it creates monsters like the coaches who let these crimes go on for years to protect the money making machines they were locked into. And it is here we have the similarity with Wall Street. These institutions in Wall Street have been raping and destroying the planet for decades yet the monsters who run Wall Street and the monsters they buy in the US political system cannot stand up and say these are crimes and must stop. The money addicted institutions which brought down the world economy in 2008 are still in charge, the same monstrous men and a few women are raping the world and barely one of them is in handcuffs.

Then there is the Catholic Church. It too has been involved in the criminal abuse of young boys for decades. It too just like Penn State has been covering up these crimes. Where are the bishops in handcuffs? Why is this little degenerate former member of the Hitler youth who covered up these crimes sitting in charge of this machine and claiming to be infallible.

Then we have the Herman Cain farce here in the Republican Party in the US. It brings to mind again that while the women's revolt achieved a lot the exploitation and abuse of women continues all around us where it is mostly men who hold the power in the capitalist world. As one woman told me: "In all the jobs i had I only had one boss who did not try to grab my ass." Cain and his entourage are trying to blacken the names of all the women who are accusing him. So now it is the case if you have had credit card debt or problems paying your mortgage you cannot say you were sexually assaulted.

The Wall Street journal, that mouth piece of US capitalism is worried about Penn State. They write in their editorial:"The events at Penn State are indeed a tragedy, and doubly so because they give new license to cynics who want Americans to believe that no one who achieves prominence in public life can be honorable." When the Catholic Church was exposed the Wall Street Journal rushed to its defense. Now when Penn State and the big money sports programs are exposed it leaps to their defense. When the financial institutions are exposed it leaps to their defense. Its all part of the one big picture. These are all institutions that keep capitalism's wheels turning and so a few young boys lives may be destroyed what does this count for in the overall scheme of things? Capitalism rules okay.

And finally and to be careful. We should note the increased talk from Israel about attacking Iran. The US and European bourgeois in the main are opposed. But the mad dog of Zionism could get out of control. Also a section of the world bourgeois could become less opposed and a split could take place as some sections could begin to see a war with Iran as a way to cut across the OWS and rising revolutionary movements in the world. We have to be on our toes. We live in extremely volatile times. Capitalism cannot solve the problems it creates.  It makes filthy and toxic all its lays its dirty hands upon. But it will not give up without the most ferocious struggle.


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