
Thursday, November 24, 2011

OWS. Thanksgiving Day. A thought.

I did not write this. But this is a day when food is very central. So here I offer some food for thought.

The author wrote: "Marxism considers itself the conscious expression of the unconscious historical process. But the "unconscious" process, in the historico-philosophical sense of the term - not the psychological - coincides with its conscious expression only at its highest point, when the masses, by sheer elemental pressure, break through the social routine and give victorious expression to the deepest needs of historical development. And at such moments the highest theoretical consciousness of the epoch merges with the immediate action of those oppressed masses who are farthest away from theory. The creative union of the conscious with the unconscious is what one usually calls "inspiration." Revolution is the inspired frenzy of history."

As I say I did not write this brilliant summing up of the revolutionary process. I will not say who did as there has been such slander and dirt thrown on his name. This hopefully will make it easier for us all to consider its content.

But I will say this: I have not the slightest doubt that as US capitalism sinks deeper and deeper into its own contradictions and as it moves further to put its own working class on rations and as its international entanglements become harder and harder for it to manage, the US working class will as the author says "by sheer elemental pressure break though the social routine." That is the US working class will move to change society.

But, and here as they say is the rub. Will there be the revolutionary theory with roots of a mass character and organized in an affective way to come together with this mass elemental force to end US and world capitalism? This is the question of all questions.

Building this mass alternative which can be the tool which the working class can use to change the world is the task facing all of us. Part of building this is an orientation to the working class, learning the lessons from the past and the breaking from sectarianism, ultra leftism and opportunism.


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