
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

OWS. 99% slogan. Real step forward.

There is some discussion at the moment about the 99% slogan. believe that there are times as Engels says that a real step forward by the working class is worth a thousand programs. This in my opinion is one of those times.

The 99% idea is a real step forward. We have to embrace it. As we do so we can clarify it it not by pointing out its shortcomings but by pointing out its very important progressive content and how it can be a launching pad for another step forward. I feel to do otherwise would be ultra left. I am sorry to use this term. I do not want to insult anybody. But I do think we have to be conscious about our need to break from our past when all of us on the left at times veered from ultra leftism to sectarianism and opportunism.

Yesterday there were important votes taken here in the US. In Ohio the bill to prevent public sector unions bargaining rights and to have automatic wage increases and to strike was overwhelmingly, by about 2 to 1 defeated. In Mississippi the so called Personhood initiative was overwhelmingly defeated. This would have banned all abortion and many forms of contraception. In New England an initiative to make it possible to register to vote on the day of elections was made law. It had been earlier removed by the Republicans. In Ohio there were tens of thousands of union members involved in the campaign there. In Mississippi and New England there were tens of thousands involved in the campaigns there. These movement were overwhelmingly working class and of all ages. In the OWS movement we have the actions in scores of cities. The capitalist offensive is facing some strong headwinds and in areas being thrown back.

In these movements the 99% slogan appears again and again. At the workers rallies in Ohio it was everywhere and at the OWS movements it is everywhere. We have to embrace it in my opinion and build upon it. We have to be seen as the champions of it. And from this go on as i said before to suggest something along the lines of : "We are the 99%. We are the majority. We should make the decisions. End the rule of the 1%. Or maybe end the rule of the capitalist 1%."

On another issue I think it is good if we can work together and discuss these issues.


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