
Monday, November 21, 2011

No World Criminal Court arrest warrant for Blair or Bush

No arrest warrant for these mass murderers
The International Criminal Court in the Netherlands doesn't have any credibility with me.  The Spanish inquisition had legitimacy only among the clique that imposed it. It's not that The International Criminal doesn't try some nasty characters, but the accused  are all former friends of the accusers, part of the same gang that have become unreliable members bringing the gang in to disrepute.  But the most important thing is that the accused are very minor players.   Rumsfeld, Bush, Obama, Wolfowitz and the doctor of death himself, Henry Kissinger do not have the court's arrest warrants hanging on their doors.

The court is now expecting to try Gadhafi's son, Seif al-Islam who was captured last week but the court might not get its way as the Libyans appear to want to try him at home. The court is concerned Gadafi won't get a "fair trial".  Thugs like Seif al-Islam are small fry compared to the fine gentlemen who frequent Jackson Hole Wyoming and Basel Switzerland to discuss how best to carve up the resources of the world for global capital.  Gadhafi is a bit player in these games.

In order to distract attention from its war against US workers I see the Obama administration is declaring the Iran central bank a money laundering outfit and for its "Alleged role in terrorism and nuclear proliferation." .  The official term is that the bank is a territory of "primary concern" says the Wall Street Journal. The US administration is also "sanctioning" a number of Iranian businesses as they are "allegedly" (an important term in these issues) believed to be supportive of Iran's nuclear program.

This is somewhat laughable were the potential consequences so dire.  How did Israel get the materials, equipment and technology to build and stockpile the hundreds of nuclear warheads it has and continues to refuse to comment publicly on. Iran has a right to develop nuclear technology. What US capitalism wants is for it to be the only possessor of such weapons of mass destruction and I should add, that there is no evidence that is credible anyway, of Iran building nuclear bombs.

One thing is certain.  If you want to avoid the US bombing your country with manned or through its cowardly unmanned drone program better get a nuclear bomb.  Being next to Iraq, a country US capitalism has deprived of a million or so citizens through its invasion Iran probably drew certain conclusions; they'd better get a nuclear bomb, the US never invaded North Korea.

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