The following urgent proposal was unanimously adopted today at an ad hoc Labor Activist Assembly, and signed by more than 30 veteran labor activists:
We, the Ad Hoc Labor Activist Assembly, in light of the imminent threat of police action to evict Occupy Oakland, call on the Alameda Labor Council Executive Board to adopt and implement the following:
The Alameda Labor Council declares the Occupy Oakland encampment to be a sanctioned picket line. The Council's Executive Board calls on every one of its affiliates to immediately mobilize members to defend the encampment, dispatching pickets in shifts, beginning tonight (November 12) and continuing as long as the threat persists.
SIGNATURES (organizations listed for identification only)
Jack Gerson, OEA retired
Zev Kuithy, CFT
Susan Schacher, Peralta Federation of Teachers
Bob Mandel, OEA/AFT retired
Peter Brown, Peralta Federation of Teachers
Steve Miller, OEA
Loretta Franke, Operating Engineers retired
Jack Heyman, ILWU Local 10 retired
Stan Woods, Transport Workers Solidarity Committee
Richard Tan, Librarian
Pete Turner, IFTPE 21
Henry Johnson
Richard Mellor, AFSCME 444 retired
Robert Irminger, IBU/ILWU
Caray Dau,ILWU 6
Adam Balou, Occupy Oakland
Jenna Woloshyn, IBT 10
John Reimann, IWW
Matt Meyer, BFT
Marcus Holder, ILWU 10
Mary Beth Schuler
Mike Parker, UAW 1700
Bill Balderston, OEA
Bill Cherneau, SEIU 1021
Ruth Maguire, Grandmothers against the war
Ying Lee, BFT retired
Ann Weills, National Lawyers Guild
Michael Rubin, SEIU
Rosalind Makris OEA
Dave Welsh, Letter Carriers 214
Frank Martinez Campo, SEIU 1021
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