
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Greece. Clear alternative needed.

The reports of the workers struggles in Greece are very very inspiring. My thoughts however also include that this cannot go on forever at this height and intensity of struggle unless there are one or two clear demands which point a way forward. I am not sure what these would be but I think at least one would be nationalize the banks under workers control and management. A clear simple demand to get the bourgeois out of the driving seat. Cancel the debts to the banks. Again a clear simple demand to get the banks out of the driving seat. On this basis no cuts and the formation of workers and small producers committees throughout the country to link up the struggle and to build an alternative society.

Face up to the reality and spell out this reality that this will most likely mean the end of the Euro and the Euro zone as we know it. So build a Europe wide movement to nationalize all banks and finance houses and cancel all debts to the banks on a Europe wide basis. Spread the movement Europe wide and internationally. I feel we have to be very clear that our demands and alternative are based on and have to be based on the most fundamental restructuring of society. No cuts and clear off to the bankers and their organizations are not enough.

I am not certain about all these demands but what i do feel is that a movement cannot run at this great degree of power and energy unless it has a clear objective which can show a clear step forward. If this is not the case then the ruling class if it can dig in and hold on can exhaust and demoralize the movement. A mood can develop of what can we do.

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