
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Global sanctions for Syria but not Bahrain or Yemen

Neither the US supported monarchy in Bahrain nor the CIA's friendly regime in Yemen is facing sanctions by the Arab League although both regimes are brutal suppressors of human rights and, as the newsreel above reminds us, in the case of Bahrain, the government sentenced to long prison terms, medical personnel who treated the victims of the Bahraini and US armed and financed troops.

US capitalism directly through bribes and also through its trusted ally Saudi Arabia, the regime that publicly whips women for leaving home without a male relative and has one of the worst human rights records in the world has a huge influence in Arab League decisions.  The US has 30,000 troops in Bahrain as we have mentioned before and the family that runs the Island like a family business rely on US arms and cash to ensure Democracy and civil rights are kept at bay.

Each decision, each step US each capitalism takes in this part of the world leads to deeper crisis but it has no choice. It has to support brutal regimes abroad that help protect its interests against the rising anger of the workers and middle classes in these countries who struggle to control and own their own resources.  The revolutionary potential of the Arab masses is an ever threatening presence as events in Egypt have shown.  The Obama administration lost a trusted ally in the thug Mubarak and abandoned that regime only when the facts on the ground fored it to do so.  The existence of the Zionist regime, a minority surrounded by a majority is the only reliable ally in the area, a foothold in US capitalism's increasingly difficult efforts to maintain world dominance playing a role not unlike British imperialism in Ireland's northern six counties.  But the financial burden that the Zionist regime places on the US taxpayer is not something that will last forever as the war against workers in the US intensifies.

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