
Monday, October 31, 2011

US punishes UNESCO for recognizing Palestinians (watch video)

The US has cut off its contributions to UNESCO because UNESCO, the UN's cultural agency voted to give the Palestinians full membership. The US yet again reveals it's hypocritical Middle East policy.  The US claims that it is committed to peace but is making the argument that peace can only be achieved through "direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians", in other words between and occupied and imprisoned people and one of the largest military's in the world backed by the largest.  The Palestinians would be negotiating with the US basically. The US did not take this position in 1948 when the imperialist nations created a Jewish state in Palestine  The Palestinians did not agree to give up their land, it was done so on their behalf.

This decision and US capitalism's continued support of the Israeli occupation and ethnic cleansing of the region is one of the major factors creating widespread anti-American feeling and acts of terrorism towards the US population and its allies. Imagine how we are seen here.  UNESCO makes a decison that upsets Israel and the Obama administration punishes UNESCO by cutting off funding. The recognition of the Palestinians in this way, as we have raised in previous blogs, changes nothing on the ground including the settling of the neo-fascists and religious nuts on Palestinian land. It is against US workers interests to continue to fund and prop up the Zionists.

Watch the US representative lie her way through questioning in this video from Reuters:

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