
Monday, October 24, 2011

Saudi thug, Bush Friend, US censorship.

The billionaire Saudi thug Sultan, called Prince by the western elite who wanted to bootlick him to get his help in stealing the oil, died last week in New York. He and his family were very close to the Bush family and also to the US government.

Let us take a look at him. As they say by their friends you know them. This thug was married six or seven times, they are not sure which and had 32 children. A real women's rights champion as you can see. He was so called defense minister of Saudi Arabia for around 50 years during which time he, according to the NYT "built a close relationship with the US."

The Saudi dictatorship and its US corporate friends are worried about the uprisings in the region. They are helping the US put them down. In the build up to the Kuwait war this thug and his regime agreed that the US could put 500,000 troops into Saudi Arabia in preparation for the invasion. Obama calls him a "Valued friend" and a "strong supporter of the deep and enduring partnership between our two countries." That other thug and war criminal Cheyney says when he traveled to the region during the Gulf war this Sultan"greased the skids for me in advance and really made everything much smoother than it might have been. Sultan was the go to guy." How many hundreds of thousands died in the Gulf war?

The Saudi ruling family are agents for imperialism in the region. For this they are allowed to skim billions of dollars off the oil wealth for themselves and keep their own people in terrible poverty. They are also allowed to enforce their brand of extremely reactionary and anti women and anti working class religion. US imperialism, that is the big US corporations, the Republicans and the Democrats representing these representing these big corporations, they are all guilty in keeping these people in power and making the majority of the peoples' lives a misery. Just like they worked with Gadaffhi for decades, people like present Senator McCain visiting him two years ago and saying he was such an interesting man, people like Rice hobnobbing with him, when it suits them they prop up the thugs and when it does not they get another thug to prop up. Genuine democracy and women's rights and a decent life for all mean nothing to US imperialism. It is all about money and power.


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